PDF Reading 212: The Extra Degree English 1885228678 PDF

212: The Extra Degree

You found it! This is the ORIGINAL 212° the extra degree bestselling book that has been used in trainings and workshops worldwide. Written by Sam Parker and published by walkthetalk.com, this powerful resource will immediately capture the attention of everyone in your organization and motivate them to new and higher levels of performance. It's the message that's motivating millions! 212° the extra degree captures the essence of excellence in an unforgettable way... At 211° water is hot. At 212°, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. The one extra degree makes the difference. The 212° concept is illustrated through a clear introduction and then supported by a series of thoughts, examples, and facts that will help readers absorb the 212° mindset. Its purpose is to inspire the extra level of effort that produces exponential results. This book will encourage anyone who reads it to give that extra degree of effort...the extra degree that will produce exponential results. At 5.5 x 5.3 inches (paperback), it's a wonderful little manifesto for encouraging the extra level of effort we all know produces great results. This book is the perfect handout to inspire something big!

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : 212: The Extra Degree

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1885228678


Download As PDF : 212: The Extra Degree
212: The Extra Degree

com: 212: The Extra Degree (9781885228673): Sam
212° the extra degree captures the essence of excellence in an unforgettable way. At 211° water is hot. At 212°, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. The one extra degree makes the difference.
com: 212 the extra degree: the original 212 book
212° the extra degree captures the essence of excellence in an unforgettable way... At 211° water is hot. At 212°, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. The one extra degree, that one small step, makes the difference.
212 The Extra Degree: Extraordinary Results Begin with One
The concept is simple: At 211º, water is hot. At 212º, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes all the difference. This analogy reflects the ultimate definition of excellence. The one extra degree of effort, in business and life, can separate the good from the great.
212° the extra degree® video (newest version)
Only available at s: .InspireYourPeople 212, this 212 (two twelve) video has helped thousands of people and organizations see and embrace the val...
212 The Extra Degree FiredUp! Culture
The concept is simple: At 211º, water is hot. At 212º, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes all the difference. This analogy reflects the ultimate definition of excellence. The one extra degree of effort, in business and life, can separate the good from the great.
212° the extra degree® products by InspireYourPeople com
Inspire extra effort & care. At 211 degrees, water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And with steam, you can power a train. One extra degree makes all the difference. Learn all about the 212 message and what it can do for you. pare our ready to use meeting packages.
212 the extra degree Video InspireYourPeople com
212° the extra degree Video: Inspire a little extra effort & care. Show it to your team. Discuss it. Open or close a meeting or big event with it. 3 minutes to inspire & reinforce the value of the small things that make all the difference. Big savings when you license more than one.
212: The Extra Degree of Bullshit (or Excellence is
As for 212, the reasoning goes like this. If you have some water on the stove and you start adding heat, you take it from room cold water right out of the tap to 211 degrees and pretty much nothing happens. But if you go just a little farther, to 212 degrees, there is a state change, the water boils, real action takes place, nothing is the same.

Book title: 212: The Extra Degree
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212: The Extra Degree

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