PDF Reading Aethelstan: The First King of England English 300187718 PDF

Aethelstan: The First King of England

The powerful and innovative King Æthelstan reigned only briefly (924-939), yet his achievements during those eventful fifteen years changed the course of English history. He won spectacular military victories (most notably at Brunanburh), forged unprecedented political connections across Europe, and succeeded in creating the first unified kingdom of the English. To claim for him the title of "first English monarch" is no exaggeration. In this nuanced portrait of Æthelstan, Sarah Foot offers the first full account of the king ever written. She traces his life through the various spheres in which he lived and worked, beginning with the intimate context of his family, then extending outward to his unusual multiethnic royal court, the Church and his kingdom, the wars he conducted, and finally his death and legacy. Foot describes a sophisticated man who was not only a great military leader but also a worthy king. He governed brilliantly, developed creative ways to project his image as a ruler, and devised strategic marriage treaties and gift exchanges to cement alliances with the leading royal and ducal houses of Europe. Æthelstan's legacy, seen in the new light of this masterful biography, is inextricably connected to the very forging of England and early English identity.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Aethelstan: The First King of England

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 300187718


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Aethelstan: The First King of England

Æthelstan or Athelstan ( ?æ??lstæn ; Old English: Æðelstan [?æ.ðel.st?n], Old Norse: Aðalsteinn, meaning "noble stone"; c. 894 – 27 October 939) was King of the Anglo Saxons from 924 to 927 and King of the English from 927 to 939 when he died. He was the son of King Edward the Elder and his first wife, Ecgwynn.
Athelstan | king of England | Britannica
Athelstan, also spelled Aethelstan or Ethelstan, (died October 27, 939), first West Saxon king to have effective rule over the whole of England. On the death of his father, Edward the Elder, in 924, Athelstan was elected king of Wessex and Mercia, where he had been brought up by his aunt, Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians. Crowned king of the whole country at Kingston on Sept. 4, 925, he proceeded to establish boundaries and rule firmly.
BBC History Athelstan
y. z. Athelstan was the first king of all England, and Alfred the Great's grandson. He reigned between 925 and 939 AD. A distinguished and courageous soldier, he pushed the boundaries of the ...
Æthelstan: The First King of the English
Watch my latest history documentary here: s: youtu.be c3Hq6UaFQqkWatch my latest Vikings documentary here: s: youtu.be NbvVzs25QqUWatch my latest h...
Athelstan The First King Of England Yale English Monarchs
He added Northumbria to his kingdom, which made him the first king of all England. First “King” of the United Kingdom of Great Britain Who Was the First King of England? History Buy Athelstan: The First King of England Yale English Monarchs (The English Monarchs Series) Reprint by Foot, Sarah (ISBN: 0787721974642) from 's Book Store.
King Athelstan (Aethelstan) biography (c 894 939)
Athelstan (or Aethelstan) was the son of Edward the Elder and grandson of Alfred the Great. He was born to Edward's first wife Ecgwynn around AD 894. Edward died in 924, and Athelstan's half brother Aelfweard immediately claimed the throne. His claim was supported by Wessex, while Mercia supported ...
The Anglo Saxons 3: Athelstan first king of England
Athelstan first king of England? Not much is known for certain about the early life of Athelstan. There is a story that his grandfather Alfred the Great favoured Athelstan at court and made ...
Who Was Athelstan and Why Was His Reign So Significant
On 27 October 939 Athelstan – the first and perhaps the greatest King of England – died in Gloucester at the age of 47. This man was remembered as a famous warrior who defeated the Danes and the Scots and forged the Kingdom we now call England.
Æthelstan A
The Æthelstan A charters commence shortly after King Æthelstan conquered Northumbria in 927, making him the first king to rule the whole of England. The diplomas give the king titles such as "King of the English" and "King of the Whole of Britain", and this is seen by historians as part of a rhetoric which reflected his master's claim for a new status, higher than previous West Saxon kings.

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Aethelstan: The First King of England

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