PDF Reading Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the Making of Hong Kong English 1907994696 PDF
Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the Making of Hong Kong
At the end of the Second World War, Hong Kong lived up to its description as “the barren island.” It had few natural resources, its trade and infrastructure lay in tatters, its small manufacturing base had been destroyed and its income per capita was less than a quarter of its mother country, Britain. As a British colony it fell to a small number of civil servants to confront these difficult challenges, largely alone. But by the time of the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997, it was one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. By 2015 its GDP per capita was over 40% higher than Britain's. How did that happen? Around the world, post-war governments were turning to industrial planning, Keynesian deficits and high inflation to stimulate their economies. How much did the civil servants in Hong Kong adopt from this emerging global consensus? Virtually nothing. They rejected the idea that governments should play an active role in industrial planning - instead believing in the ability of entrepreneurs to find the best opportunities. They rejected the idea of spending more than the government raised in taxes - instead aiming to keep a year's spending as a reserve. They rejected the idea of high taxes - instead keeping taxes low, believing that private investment would earn high returns, and expand the long-term tax base. This strategy was created and implemented by no more than a handful of men over a fifty-year period. Perhaps the most important of them all was John Cowperthwaite, who ran the trade and industry department after the war and then spent twenty years as deputy and then actual Financial Secretary before his retirement in 1971. He, more than anyone, shaped the economic policies of Hong Kong for the quarter century after the war and set the stage for a remarkable economic expansion. His resolve was tested constantly over his period in office, and it was only due to his determination, independence, and intellectual rigor that he was not diverted from the path in which he believed so strongly. This book examines the man behind the story, and the successful economic policies that he and others crafted with the people of Hong Kong.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the Making of Hong Kong
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1907994696

Sir John Cowperthwaite – Architect of Prosperity
Architect of Prosperity. Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the making of Hong Kong is a book about Sir John Cowperthwaite – the man Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman identified as being behind Hong Kong’s remarkable post war economic transformation.
Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the
I have just read a fascinating new book called Architect of Prosperity by Neil Monnery. It's about the role of Sir John Cowperthwaite, Financial Secretary of Hong Kong from 1961 to 1971 in setting the colony on the road to prosperity. It is an astonishing story…
Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the
Architect of Prosperity, the story of Sir John Cowperthwaite and also the story of how he and his predecessors built the government and economy of Hong Kong, is a terrific read (if you're into economic history, of course :) ). The protagonist is the Crown Colony; the antagonist is the Britain that has faded away since the fifties.
Architect of Prosperity – Sir John Cowperthwaite
Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the making of Hong Kong is a book about Sir John Cowperthwaite – the man Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman identified as being behind Hong Kong’s remarkable post war economic transformation.
Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the
A few hours after I had read about this, a package from arrived containing Architect of Prosperity which explains how one of those systems developed under the remarkable guidance of Sir John Cowperthwaite over some two decades before his retirement in 1971, the last of which he spent as financial secretary of Hong Kong.
Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the
Praise for Architect of Prosperity “There are figures in history who deserve to be far better known and Sir John Cowperthwaite is one of those. Neil Monnery’s account of the way he shaped Hong Kong into a dynamic and successful economy now far more prosperous than its colonial ruler, Britain, is all the more fascinating in the light of the current debate about what drives economic development.
Architect of Prosperity : Sir John Cowperthwaite and the
Download Architect of Prosperity : Sir John Cowperthwaite and the Making of Hong Kong Neil Monnery ebook
Download [PDF] Architect Of Prosperity Sir John
Sir John Cowperthwaite Hong Kong is a testimony to the efficacy of free trade as a policy for growth. ... forces, Hong Kong has squeezed the last drop of value out of whatever scarce resources it has, for survival and for prosperity. ...On the downside, this abstinence has avoided what Sir John Cowperthwaite, the architect of this policy, called the inevitable ... and err by making "small scale
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Book title: Architect of Prosperity: Sir John Cowperthwaite and the Making of Hong Kong
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