PDF Reading Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam English 1625162219 PDF
Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
Author Dan Rodgers was in college taking pre-med, had a possible professional baseball career in the offing, and was driving race cars hoping to get on the NASCAR circuit when he received his dreaded draft notice. Two days before he married his lovely wife, Sue, Dan was drafted into the Army. The author and a few friends were sent to Vietnam on the adventure of a lifetime. Dan was a squad leader and sergeant in the Vietnam War and was directly involved in the Tet Offensive in 1968. At one point during Tet, his company lost 126 men in less than two hours. Dan earned the Silver Star when he and a comrade rescued five soldiers trapped in an armored tank. He was wounded twice and received two Purple Hearts. At one point, Dan was asked to become a war correspondent and carry a mini camera. He kept notes on whatever paper he could find to write on, but writing the names of dead comrades was tough. Dan lives with the pain of losing his personal friends. His wife is a testament to his nightly
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1625162219

Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
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Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam: Rodgers, Dan: 9781625168429: Books .ca
Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
Buy Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam by Rodgers, Dan (ISBN: 9781625162212) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
com: Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Became a Man
Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Became a Man in Vietnam Kindle edition by Rodgers, Dan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Became a Man in Vietnam.
Call Me Sergeant Rock: Rodgers, Dan: 9781681189468:
Dan’s book is a must read for anyone who doubts the fierceness and tenacity of the communistic military forces in the Viet Nam conflict. His book demonstrates the courage of our young fighting men and the struggles they endured while engaged in close physical combat with the enemy. It’s easy to understand why he was known as “Sergeant Rock”.
com: Customer reviews: Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a
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"Call Me Sergeant Rock" by Dan Rodgers
The book Call Me Sergeant Rock was born. Today, Dan Rodgers lives near Houston and is a writer as well as a race car and jet boat driver. His passions are writing and speed.
authormarketingideas com
Sgt Rock
Sgt. Rock's prototype first appeared in G.I. bat #68 (January 1959). His rank is not given in this story; instead, he is merely called "The Rock". The Rock returned as a sergeant in Our Army at War #81 (April 1959) named "Sgt. Rocky" with his unit, Easy pany (the precise US Army infantry regiment to which Easy belonged was never identified during the history of the character).
Book title: Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
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