PDF Reading Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations (Real Voices, Real History) English 895876264 PDF

Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations (Real Voices, Real History)

During the 1930s, the Works Progress Administration sent workers to interview over 2,200 former slaves about their experiences during slavery and the time immediately after the Civil War. The interviews conducted with the former Louisiana slaves often showed a different life from the slaves in neighboring states. Louisiana was unique among the slave-holding states because of French law and influence, as demonstrated in the standards set to govern slaves in Le Code Noir. Its history was also different from many Southern states because of the prevalence of large sugar cane as well as cotton plantations, which benefited from the frequent replenishment of rich river silt deposited by Mississippi River floods. At Frogmore Plantation, which is located in Louisiana across the Mississippi River from Natchez, co-owner Lynette Tanner has spent 16 years researching and interpreting the slave narratives in order to share these stories with visitors from around the globe. The plantation offers historical re-enactments, written by Tanner, that are performed by descendants of former Natchez District slaves. In this collection, Tanner gathered interviews conducted with former slaves who lived in Louisiana at the time of the interviews as well as narratives with those who had been enslaved in Louisiana but had moved to a different state by the 1930s. Their recollections of food, housing, clothing, weddings, and funerals, as well as treatment and relationships echo memories of an era, like no other, for which America still faces repercussions today. Lynette Tanner and her husband own Frogmore Plantation, a working cotton plantation and gin distillery, as well as Terre Noir, a second plantation in Concordia Parish. Tanner has received numerous awards for her preservation efforts and her promotion of Louisiana tourism. Tanner was the author and narrator of “The Delta:  A Musical History” for the Smithsonian traveling exhibit which was on display in the La. Delta area.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations (Real Voices, Real History)

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 895876264


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Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations (Real Voices, Real History)

Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations
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Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations
Chained to the Land book. Read 8 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. During the 1930s, the Works Progress Administration sent workers...
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Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton and Corn Plantations
Chained to the Land: Voices From Cotton and Cane Plantations. Edited by Lynette Ater Tanner. Winston Salem, NC: John F. Blair Publishers, 2014. ISBN 978 0 89587 628 7. $9.95 (pbk.) My interest in this book, “Chained to the Land: Voices From Cotton and Cane Plantations”, was a response to my visits to Brookgreen Plantation Brookgreen Gardens along
"Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton and Cane
Pp. xxvi, 229. Paper, $9.95,978 0 89587 626 3.) In Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton and Cane Plantations, editor Lynette Ater Tanner has collected forty two Federal Writers' Project interviews with former bondpeople to offer readers a glimpse into Louisiana's slavery days through the words of those who were enslaved.
Chained to the land : voices from cotton & cane
Get this from a library! Chained to the land : voices from cotton & cane plantations : from interviews of former slaves. [Lynette Ater Tanner;] "During the 1930s, the Works Progress Administration sent workers to interview over 2,200 former slaves about their experiences during slavery and the time immediately after the Civil War. The ...
CHAINED TO THE LAND: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations
CHAINED TO THE LAND: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations. Edited by Lynette Ater Tanner. In the depths of the Depression, the Federal Writers' Project interviewed over twenty two hundred ex slaves across seventeen states. Most of the interviewees were in their eighties or nineties and some over one hundred. This volume collects forty two of ...
Chained to the land : voices from cotton & cane
Chained to the land : voices from cotton & cane plantations : from interviews of former slaves
"Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton and Corn
Review of the book Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton and Cane Plantations edited by Lynette Ater Tanner. Winston Salem, NC: John F. Blair Publishers, 2014. ISBN 978 0 89587 628 7.
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Book title: Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations (Real Voices, Real History)
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Chained to the Land: Voices from Cotton & Cane Plantations (Real Voices, Real History)

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