PDF Reading The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Image Classics) English 385029551 PDF
The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Image Classics)
Heartfelt, incisive, and timeless, The Confessions of Saint Augustine has captivated readers for more than fifteen hundred years. Retelling the story of his long struggle with faith and ultimate conversion -- the first such spiritual memoir ever recorded -- Saint Augustine traces a story of sin, regret, and redemption that is both deeply personal and, at the same time, universal.Starting with his early life, education, and youthful indiscretions, and following his ascent to influence as a teacher of rhetoric in Hippo, Rome, and Milan, Augustine is brutally honest about his proud and amibitious youth. In time, his early loves grow cold and the luster of wordly success fades, leaving him filled with a sense of inner absence, until a movement toward Christian faith takes hold, eventually leading to conversion and the flourishing of a new life. Philosophically and theologically brilliant, sincere in its feeling, and both grounded in history and strikingly contemporary in its resonance, The Confessions of Saint Augustine is a timeless classic that will persist as long as humanity continues to long for meaning in life and peace of soul.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Image Classics)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 385029551

Confessions (Augustine)
Confessions is an autobiographical work by Saint Augustine of Hippo, consisting of 13 books written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. Modern English translations of it are sometimes published under the title The Confessions of Saint Augustine in order to distinguish the book from other books with similar titles. Its original title was Confessions in Thirteen Books, and it was composed to be read out loud with eac
AUGUSTINE: CONFESSIONS Georgetown University
entered into his episcopal duties he began his Confessions, completing them probably in 398 (cf. De Labriolle, I, vi (see Bibliography), and di Capua, Miscellanea Agostiniana, II, 678). Augustine had a complex motive for undertaking such a self analysis.1 His pilgrimage of grace had led him to a most unexpected outcome. Now he felt a
The Confessions of Saint Augustine, by Saint Augustine
Project Gutenberg's The Confessions of Saint Augustine, by Saint Augustine This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at .gutenberg.org Title: The Confessions ...
About St Augustine's Confessions
Augustine was a Manichee Hearer for almost ten years, and in the Confessions, he frequently refers to Manichaean doctrine and practices. Although they are distinctly different, Manichaeism and Neo Platonism agree on a few basic ideas: that matter is evil (or at least inferior) and traps the human spirit; that human spirits contain some spark of the divine that must escape the material world to rejoin the ultimate Good; and that the true reality is not the one that people see around them.
Augustine: Confessions Christian Classics Ethereal Library
In The Confessions, Saint Augustine addressed himself eloquently and passionately to the enduring spiritual questions that have stirred the minds and hearts of thoughtful men since time began. Written A.D. 397, The Confessions are a history of the young Augustine's fierce struggle to overcome his profligate ways and achieve a life of spiritual grace.
CHURCH FATHERS: Confessions (St Augustine)
BOOK 1 mencing with the invocation of God, Augustine relates in detail the beginning of his life, his infancy and boyhood, up to his fifteenth year; at which age he acknowledges that he was more inclined to all youthful pleasures and vices than to the study of letters.. BOOK 2 He advances to puberty, and indeed to the early part of the sixteenth year of his age, in which, having abandoned ...
The Confessions: Saint Augustine of Hippo
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. It is an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer that Augustine wrote as an autobiography sometime after his conversion, to confess his sins and proclaim God's goodness.
The Confessions of St Augustine: co uk: Augustine
Confessions is the name of an autobiographical work, consisting of 13 books (what moderns call chapters, by Saint Augustine of Hippo, written in Latin between AD 397 and 400. The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity.
Book title: The Confessions of Saint Augustine (Image Classics)
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