PDF Reading Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity English 1573229148 PDF
Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
Crossing the Unknown Sea is about reuniting the imagination with our day to day lives. It shows how poetry and practicality, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other to give every aspect of our lives meaning and direction. For anyone who wants to deepen their connection to their life’s work—or find out what their life’s work is—this book can help navigate the way.Whyte encourages readers to take risks at work that will enhance their personal growth, and shows how burnout can actually be beneficial and used to renew professional interest. He asserts that too many people blindly trudge through a mediocre work life because so many “busy” tasks prevent significant reflection and analysis of job satisfaction. People often turn to spiritual practice or religion to nurture their souls, but overlook how work can actually be our greatest opportunity for discovery and growth. Crossing the Unknown Sea combines poetry, gifted storytelling and Whyte’s personal experience to reveal work’s potential to fulfill us and bring us closer to ultimate freedom and happiness.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1573229148

Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
Crossing the Unknown Sea is about reuniting the imagination with our day to day lives. It shows how poetry and practicality, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other to give every aspect of our lives meaning and direction.
Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
Crossing the Unknown Sea is about reawakening the sleeping captain that lives within each of us, before our souls crash on the rocks. The book takes us on the holiest of pilgrimages: to the center of identity and the roots of growth. ©2001. Add to Cart.
com: Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage
Crossing the Unknown Sea challenges the reader to redefine their work persona and to reclaim a life of meaning by finding and understanding their personal identity. Whyte provides a guide for this individual pilgrimage by sharing personal examples of what it looks and feels like to have a satisfying and rewarding work life.
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Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
Crossing the Unknown Sea is about reuniting the imagination with our day to day lives. It shows how poetry and practicality, far from being mutually exclusive, reinforce each other to give every aspect of our lives meaning and direction. For anyone who wants to deepen their connection to their life’s work — or find out what their life’s work is — ...
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Book title: Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity
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