PDF Reading The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1) English 1563680734 PDF

The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1)

Originally published in 1930, The Deaf Mute Howls challenged the prevailing practice of teaching deaf children to speak and read lips while prohibiting the use of sign language. Albert Ballin's sharp observations in this remarkable book detail his experiences (and those of others) at a late 19th-century residential school for deaf students and his frustrations as an adult seeking acceptance in the majority hearing society. The Deaf Mute Howls charts the ambiguous attitudes of deaf people toward themselves at this time. Ballin himself makes matter-of-fact use of terms now considered disparaging, such as deaf-mute, and he frequently rues the atrophying of the parts of his brain necessary for language acquisition. At the same time, he rails against the loss of opportunity for deaf people, and he commandingly shifts the burden of blame to hearing people unwilling to learn the Universal Sign Language, his solution to the communication problems of society. From his lively encounters with Alexander Graham Bell (whose desire to close residential schools he surprisingly supports), to his enthrallment with the film industry, Ballin's highly readable book offers an appealing look at the deaf world during his richly colored lifetime.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1)

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1563680734


Download As PDF : The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1)
The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1)

The Deaf Mute Howls Gallaudet University Press
Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies, Volume 1 “Albert Ballin’s greatest ambition was that The Deaf Mute Howls would transform education for deaf children and more, the relations between deaf and hearing people everywhere. While his primary concern was to improve the lot of the deaf person ‘shunned and isolated as a useless member of society,’ his ambitions were larger yet.
The Deaf Mute Howls Gallaudet University Press
The Deaf Mute Howls. Albert Ballin. Long, loudand cantankerous is the howl raised by the deaf mute! It has to be if he wishes to be heard and listened to. He ought to keep it up incessantly until the wrongs inflicted on him will have been righted and done away with forever.
The Deaf Mute Howls by Albert Ballin Goodreads
The Deaf Mute Howls charts the ambiguous attitudes of deaf people toward themselves at this time. Ballin himself makes matter of fact use of terms now considered disparaging, such as "deaf mute, " and he frequently rues the "atrophying" of the parts of his brain necessary for language acquisition.
9781563680731: The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in
AbeBooks : The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1) (9781563680731) by Ballin, Albert and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.
The Deaf Mute Howls Albert Ballin Google Books
The First Volume in the "Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series", Albert Ballin's greatest ambition was that The Deaf Mute Howls would transform education for deaf children and more, the relations between deaf and hearing people everywhere. While his primary concern was to improve the lot of the deaf person "shunned and isolated as a useless member of society," his ambitions were larger yet.
The Deaf Mute Howls | calendar pridesource
The Deaf Mute Howls charts the ambiguous attitudes of deaf people toward themselves at this time. Ballin himself makes matter of fact use of terms now considered disparaging, such as "deaf mute", and he frequently rues the "atrophying" of the parts of his brain necessary for language acquisition. The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf ...
The Deaf Mute Howls – Albert Ballin | UCL UCL Ear
Long loud and cantankerous is the howl raised by the deaf mute. It has to be if he wishes to be heard and listened to. He ought to keep it up incessantly until the wrongs inflicted on him will have been righted and done away with forever. (p. 17) It is fascinating to read his description of his education.
The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies
The Deaf Mute Howls charts the ambiguous attitudes of deaf people toward themselves at this time. Ballin himself makes matter of fact use of terms now considered disparaging, such as "deaf mute", and he frequently rues the "atrophying" of the parts of his brain necessary for language acquisition.
Adventures of a Deaf Mute Gallaudet University Press
allaud t class cs in eaf s ud es a series edited by Kristen C. Harmon Volume 1 The Deaf Mute Howls Albert Ballin Introduction by Douglas Baynton Volume 2 A Mighty Change: An Anthology of Deaf American Writing, 1816–1864
National Deaf Mute Gazette – Gallaudet University
National Deaf Mute Gazette Vol. 1 No. 1 January 1867 National Deaf Mute Gazette Vol. 1 No. 2 February 1867 National Deaf Mute Gazette Vol. 1 No. 3 March 1867 National Deaf Mute Gazette Vol. 1 No. 4 April 1867 National Deaf Mute Gazette Vol. 1 No. 5 May 1867 National Deaf Mute Gazette Vol. 1 No. 6 ...

Book title: The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1)
File size: 30MB

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The Deaf Mute Howls (Gallaudet Classics in Deaf Studies Series, Vol. 1) (Volume 1)

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