PDF Reading Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology English 300071272 PDF
Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
A self-taught scientist determined to bring science out of the laboratory and into the practical arena, French-Canadian Felix d’Herelle (1873-1949) made history in two different fields of biology. Not only was he first to demonstrate the use and application of bacteria for biological control of insect pests, he also became a seminal figure in the history of molecular biology. This engaging book is the first full biography of d’Herelle, a complex figure who emulated Louis Pasteur and influenced the course of twentieth-century biology, yet remained a controversial outsider to the scientific community. Drawing on family papers, archival sources, interviews, and d’Herelle’s published and unpublished writings, Dr. William C. Summers tells the fascinating story of the scientist’s life and the work that took him around the globe. In 1917, d’Herelle published the first paper describing the phenomenon of the bacteriophage and its biological nature. A series of more than 110 articles and 6 major books followed, in which d’Herelle established the foundation for the later work of the Phage Group in molecular biology. Yet d’Herelle sometimes inspired animosity in others--he was drummed out of the Pasteur Institute, he held only one brief permanent position in the scientific establishment (at Yale University from 1928 to 1933), and he was bewildered by the social nuances of the world of international science. His story is more than the biography of a single brilliant scientist; it is also a fascinating chapter in the history of biology.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 300071272

Félix d'Hérelle
Félix d'Hérelle (25 April 1873 – 22 February 1949) was a French Canadian microbiologist.He was co discoverer of bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) and experimented with the possibility of phage therapy. D'Herelle has also been credited for his contributions to the larger concept of applied microbiology.
Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
A self taught scientist determined to bring science out of the laboratory and into the practical arena, French Canadian Felix d’Herelle (1873 1949) made history in two different fields of biology. Not only was he first to demonstrate the use and application of bacteria for biological control of insect pests, he also became a seminal figure in the history of molecular biology.
Félix d'Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
Félix d'Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology is a much needed attempt to fill this gap. Félix d'Herelle was a remarkable person, who with only a high school education, became one of the ...
Felix d’Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
Felix d'Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology William C. Summers New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999,288 p., $35.00. It is striking that no previous biography exists of a scientist as iconoclastic and influential as Felix d'Herelle, whose description of the bacteriophage in 1917
Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
A self taught scientist determined to bring science out of the laboratory and into the practical arena, French Canadian Felix d’Herelle (1873 1949) made history in two different fields of biology. Not only was he first to demonstrate the use and application of bacteria for biological control of insect pests, he also became a seminal figure in ...
Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
Felix d'Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology is a much needed attempt to fill this gap. Felix d'Herelle was a remarkable person, who with only a high school education, became one of the most accomplished bacteriologists of his day. He was best known for his discovery of bacteriophages, viruses that can infect and destroy bacteria.
Félix d'Herelle and the origins of molecular biology
A self taught scientist determined to bring science out of the laboratory and into the practical arena, French Canadian Felix d'Herelle (1873 1949) made history in two different fields of biology. Not only was he first to demonstrate the use and application of bacteria for biological control of insect pests, he also became a seminal figure in ...
Félix d' Hérelle | Canadian microbiologist | Britannica
Félix d’ Hérelle, (born April 25, 1873, Montreal, Que.,Can.—died Feb. 22, 1949, Paris, Fr.), French Canadian microbiologist generally known as the discoverer of the bacteriophage, a virus that infects bacteria. (The earlier identification of the bacteriophage by the British microbiologist F.W. Twort in about 1915 became obscured by Twort’s disinclination to take credit for or to pursue ...
Felix Hubert d Herelle (1873 1949): History of a scienti?c
papers as “Hubert (Felix) Haerens d’Herelle (chi miste).” By 1901, at age 28, he had settled on what became his ?nal name, “Felix d’Herelle.”12 Already married to a pregnant, 15 year old Marie Caire in Istanboul in July 1893, d’Herelle joined the French military for a 4 year tour of duty, but a year
Book title: Félix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology
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