PDF Reading The Gospel of Santa Claus English 1732771006 PDF
The Gospel of Santa Claus
It’s Christmas Eve, and a troubled Joe and Mary and their three children are taking the train to visit family. Suddenly, a bearded stranger with a twinkle in his eye takes a seat and begins spinning a provocative tale that intrigues, delights, and inspires. Masterfully weaving past and present through story, lessons, and devotions, The Gospel of Santa Claus follows the incredible story of Saint Nicholas, born in third century A.D., who overcomes childhood tragedy, feels called by God to take a vow of poverty, endures horrific persecution for his religious faith, and goes on to become one of the most beloved, generous, loving, and famous figures in human history. A meaningful, touching story to be shared with the entire family, Wayne Van Der Wal’s powerful debut historical novel will raise important questions, ignite hope, and reaffirm your faith in God and the human spirit.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : The Gospel of Santa Claus
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1732771006

The Gospel of Santa Claus: Inspired by the True Story of
Masterfully weaving past and present through story, lessons, and devotions, The Gospel of Santa Claus follows the incredible story of Saint Nicholas, born in third century A.D., who overcomes childhood tragedy, feels called by God to take a vow of poverty, endures horrific persecution for his religious faith, and goes on to become one of the most beloved, generous, loving, and famous figures in human history.
Masterfully weaving past and present through story, lessons, and devotions, The Gospel of Santa Claus follows the incredible story of Saint Nicholas. Born in the 3rd century A.D., Nicholas overcame childhood tragedy, felt called by God to take a vow of poverty, endured horrific persecution for his religious faith, and went on to become one of the most beloved, generous, loving, and famous figures in human history.
The Gospel of Santa Claus Kindle edition by Van Der Wal
Masterfully weaving past and present through story, lessons, and devotions, The Gospel of Santa Claus follows the incredible story of Saint Nicholas, born in third century A.D., who overcomes childhood tragedy, feels called by God to take a vow of poverty, endures horrific persecution for his religious faith, and goes on to become one of the most beloved, generous, loving, and famous figures in human history. A meaningful, touching story to be shared with the entire family, Wayne Van Der Wal ...
The Gospel of Santa Claus inspires with simple spiritual truths, which will facilitate robust conversations with young and old alike, and everyone in between. Be prepared for a roller coaster ride of emotions. Each chapter will surely make you pause and think. As you read ask questions, seek answers, and knock on the door of revelation.
The Gospel of Santa Claus Home | Facebook
The Gospel of Santa Claus. July 31 ·. Dear Christian FB F&F (friends and family), CITIZENS from all these countries came to America to pursue a better life because they knew and know how great America is. America is not perfect, but, we have the Perfect One, Jesus the Christ, to follow if we choose, to make it even greater.
Santa Claus And The Gospel Answers org
By learning this true story, our children are able to enjoy Santa Claus while being reminded of the gospel and the true meaning of Christmas. We even have a small figure of Santa Claus kneeling at the manger, praying to baby Jesus, reinforcing the truth that everyone, even St. Nicholas, must kneel before the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Santa Claus and The Gospel The Disciple Maker
SANTA CLAUS. When our oldest daughter was not quite three, we told her about a special Christian who lived a long time ago. Nicholas was the bishop of Myra in Asia Minor during the fourth century. We call him St. Nicholas because saint means someone who belongs to God, just like we do. In St. Nicholas’ town there were many poor children.
Santa Claus & The Message of the Gospel | The Navigators
They call him ‘Santa Claus,’ and they tell children pretend stories about him living at the North Pole and having elves and reindeer. But we know the truth, and when we see a department store Santa Claus or a picture of Santa Claus in a magazine, we remember the real Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, who loved Jesus so much and whose life ...
When Santa Learned the Gospel
Follow Santa's journey in this unique Christmas fable as he learns about Jesus' message of grace and discovers what it means for both the naughty and the nic...
Book title: The Gospel of Santa Claus
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