PDF Reading Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba English 679430539 PDF

Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba

A fascinating, powerfully evocative story of four generations of Cuban women, through whose lives the author illuminates a vivid picture--both personal and historical--of Cuba in our century."When I want to read a culture," writes Wendy Gimbel in her prologue, "I listen to stories about families, sensing in their contours the substance of larger mysteries." And certainly in the Revuelta family she has found a source of both mystery and revelation. At its center is Naty: born in 1925, educated in the United States, a socialite during the Batista era, who after marriage to a prominent doctor and the birth of a daughter became intoxicated with Castro and his revolution (here, published for the first time, are the letters they exchanged while he was in jail). Though her husband and daughter immigrated to the United States after Castro's victory, Naty remained in Cuba to raise her second child, Castro's unacknowledged daughter, only to be ultimately confronted by his dismissive, withering judgment: "Naty missed the train." Her two daughters, one of whom settles well into life in America, while the other never recovers from her father's intransigent repudiation of her; her granddaughter, who Naty desperately believes will return to Cuba when--not if--Castro is removed from the island; and her mother, an unregenerate reactionary: these are the lives that complete this extraordinary story.Each of the women is irrevocably marked with a part of the island's terrible and poignant tale, and Wendy Gimbel has created a rich and intense narrative of their lives and times. Havana Dreams leaves us with an indelible impression of familial obligation and illicit love; of the heady but doomed romanticism of revolution; and of the profound consequences of Cuba's contemporary history for the ordinary and most intimate lives of its people.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 679430539


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Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba

Havana Dreams: A Story of a Cuban Family by Wendy Gimbel
Havana Dreams: A Story of a Cuban Family. A fascinating, powerfully evocative story of four generations of Cuban women, through whose lives the author illuminates a vivid picture both personal and historical of Cuba in our century.
Havana Dreams: A Story of a Cuban Family: Gimbel, Wendy
Havana Dreams scans the 20th century in the unforgettable account of a Cuban family, descended from aristocrats, who live the high life before Fidel, and the heartbreak after. This is the story of Naty Revuelta, and four generations of Cuban women.
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba by Wendy Gimbel, Paperback
A haunting portrait of Havana, of Fidel in love, and of four sensual, tenacious women...The true story of a 20th century Eve and her daughters, tempted by passion, betrayed by revolution and living in a ruined Eden ruled by a capricious lord.
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba Wendy Gimbel Google Books
HAVANA DREAMS: A Story of Cuba User Review Kirkus. A socialite. A revolutionary. A sour grandmother. Gimbel, a literary scholar turned freelance journalist, weaves these characters together with a few history lessons for an enjoyably dramatic family ...
Havana Dreams: A Story of a Cuban Family Wendy Gimbel
HAVANA DREAMS: A Story of Cuba User Review Kirkus. A socialite. A revolutionary. A sour grandmother. Gimbel, a literary scholar turned freelance journalist, weaves these characters together with a few history lessons for an enjoyably dramatic family ...
com: Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba (Audible Audio
The story of three generations of a Cuban family which tells about the life in Havana before, during and after the revolution. A well written account for anyone interested in learning more about this Caribbean Island.
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba Free Online Library
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba by Wendy Gimbel Alfred A. Knopf. 256 pages. $24.00. In Havana Dreams, Wendy Gimbel traces the last century of Cuban history through the true story of three generations of women in one extraordinary family. In explaining her approach, she writes simply that "family remains the lens through which I look at the world."
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba By Wendy Gimbel | Used
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba Summary. Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba by Wendy Gimbel. Unfortunately we do not have a summary for this item at the moment. Customer Reviews Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba. Trustpilot. Show more. Why buy from World of Books. Our excellent value books literally don't cost the earth.
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba | Foreign Affairs
Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba. Havana Dreams: A Story of Cuba. By Wendy Gimbel. 234 pp, Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. Purchase. Stay informed. Get the latest book reviews delivered bi weekly. Sign Up . Get the Magazine. Save up to 55%. on Foreign Affairs magazine! ...
Havana Dreams: A Story of a Cuban Family Kindle edition
Havana Dreams is at once the story of these women's lives, a history of a country, and a multifaceted dreamscape. At the center is Dona Natica, a Batista era socialite who, despite Castro's munist regime, cloisters herself in the past, living in a decrepit mansion amid ancient crystal and china and pointing out her resemblance to England's Queen Elizabeth to anyone who visits.

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