PDF Reading Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant English 810895250 PDF

Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant

Herod the Great, king of ancient Judea, was a brutal, ruthless, vindictive and dangerously high-strung tyrant. He had many of his subjects killed on suspicion of plotting against him and was accused of slaughtering children in Bethlehem when informed that a new king of the Jews had been born there. Among the victims of the murderous paranoia that ultimately drove him to the brink of insanity were his three oldest sons and the wife he loved most. But there was a crucial aspect to Herod’s character that has been largely ignored over the centuries. Norman Gelb explores how Herod transformed his formerly strive-ridden kingdom into a modernizing, economically thriving, orderly state of international significance and repute within the sprawling Roman Empire. This reassessment of Herod as ruler of Judaea introduces a striking contrast between a ruler’s infamy and his extraordinary laudable achievements. As this account shows, despite his horrific failings and ultimate mental unbalance, Herod was a fascinatingly complex, dynamic, and largely constructive statesman, a figure of great public accomplishment and one of the most underrated personalities of ancient times. History buffs and those interested in popular ancient history can are introduced to this ruthless tyrant and his victims.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 810895250


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Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant

Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant: Gelb
Herod the Great, king of ancient Judea, was a brutal, ruthless, vindictive and dangerously high strung tyrant. He had many of his subjects killed on suspicion of plotting against him and was accused of slaughtering children in Bethlehem when informed that a new king of the Jews had been born there.
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant by Norman Gelb
Start your review of Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant. Write a review. Sep 06, 2013 Jeremy Pedersen rated it liked it. very much a "popular history" vs. scholarly. (I found the book at the library.) Very easily readable, but doesn't expand much on Herod's accomplishments except for his building projects. In fact it sound more like ...
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant: co
Buy Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant 1 by Gelb, Norman (ISBN: 9781442210653) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant: .co.uk: Gelb, Norman: 9781442210653: Books
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant (Norman Gelb
Herod the Great Herod the Great Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant Norman Gelb ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS, INC. Lanham • Boulder • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706
Herod the Great : statesman, visionary, tyrant | King of
Herod the Great : statesman, visionary, tyrant. King of Judea Herod I, Judäa König Herodes I, King of Judea Herod I, Gelb, Norman. Herod the Great, king of ancient Judea, was a brutal, ruthless, vindictive and dangerously high strung tyrant. He had many of his subjects killed on suspicion of plotting against him and was accused of slaughtering ...
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant | IndieBound org
Herod the Great, king of ancient Judea, was a brutal, ruthless, vindictive and dangerously high strung tyrant. He had many of his subjects killed on suspicion of plotting against him and was accused of slaughtering children in Bethlehem when informed that a new king of the Jews had been born there.
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant (Book
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant. Author. Gelb, Norman. Publisher. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Publication Date. 2017. Buy This Book. $28.00. plus shipping $28.89. free shipping worldwide. By purchasing books through this website, you support our non profit organization. Ancient History Encyclopedia receives a small ...
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant
Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant Norman Gelb. Rowman & Littlefield, $34 (200p) ISBN 978 1 4422 1065 3. More By and About This Author. OTHER BOOKS. Kings of the Jews: The Origins of ...
Herod the Great : statesman, visionary, tyrant (eBook
Get this from a library! Herod the Great : statesman, visionary, tyrant. [Norman Gelb] While many people are familiar with King Herod's famous (or infamous) mention in the Bible, his life touches on many compelling stories of the ancient world from Antony and Cleopatra to the Olympics, ...
Herod The Great: Statesman Visionary Tyrant PDF
Herod The Great: Statesman Visionary Tyrant Ebook, Preface. Herod the Great, king of ancient Judea, was a brutal, ruthless, vindictive and dangerously high strung tyrant. He had many of his subjects killed on suspicion of plotting against him and was accused of slaughtering children in Bethlehem when informed that a new king of the Jews had ...

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Herod the Great: Statesman, Visionary, Tyrant

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