PDF Reading A History of British Trade Unionism English 333577663 PDF

A History of British Trade Unionism

The current debate about industrial relations cannot be understood without a knowledge of trade-union history. Dr Pelling's book, which has for several years been a standard work on the subject, has again been revised and updated to take account of recent research and to explain the course of events up to the Thatcher years, the miner's strike and the Employment Acts. The growth of white-collar unionism and the extension of women's rights are dealt with in the concluding chapters.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : A History of British Trade Unionism

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 333577663


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A History of British Trade Unionism

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A History of British Trade Unionism | Henry Pelling
The current debate about industrial relations cannot be understood without a knowledge of trade union history. Dr Pelling's book, which has for several years been a standard work on the subject, has again been revised and updated to take account of recent research and to explain the course of events up to the Thatcher years, the miner's strike and the Employment Acts.
A History of British Trade Unionism | SpringerLink
The current debate about industrial relations cannot be understood without a knowledge of trade union history. Dr Pelling's book, which has for several years been a standard work on the subject, has again been revised and updated to take account of recent research and to explain the course of events up to the Thatcher years, the miner's strike and the Employment Acts.
British Trade Unions 1875–1933 | SpringerLink
H. A. Clegg, A. Fox and A. F. Thompson, A History of British Trade Unions since 1889, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1964). Based to a large extent on original research, this work is indispensable. It does not go beyond 1910, however, and volume 2 has still to appear. Google Scholar
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A History of British Trade Unionism

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