PDF Reading Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 English B009MBTV12 PDF
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983
Holding the Line, Barbara Kingsolver's first non-fiction book, is the story of women's lives transformed by an a signal event. Set in the small mining towns of Arizona, it is part oral history and part social criticism, exploring the process of empowerment which occurs when people work together as a community. Like Kingsolver's award-winning novels, Holding the Line is a beautifully written book grounded on the strength of its characters.Hundreds of families held the line in the 1983 strike against Phelps Dodge Copper in Arizona. After more than a year the strikers lost their union certification, but the battle permanently altered the social order in these small, predominantly Hispanic mining towns. At the time the strike began, many women said they couldn't leave the house without their husband's permission. Yet, when injunctions barred union men from picketing, their wives and daughters turned out for the daily picket lines. When the strike dragged on and men left to seek jobs elsewhere, women continued to picket, organize support, and defend their rights even when the towns were occupied by the National Guard. "Nothing can ever be the same as it was before," said Diane McCormick of the Morenci Miners Women's Auxiliary. "Look at us. At the beginning of this strike, we were just a bunch of ladies."
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : B009MBTV12

Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike
The book, Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 by Barbara Kingsolver, has been on my shelf for years. Written in 1989, Kingsolver documents the strike in a few small mining towns in Arizona as people work to keep their unions in the face of Phelps Dodge.
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike
Holding the Line, Barbara Kingsolver's first non fiction book, is the story of women's lives transformed by an a signal event. Set in the small mining towns of Arizona, it is part oral history and part social criticism, exploring the process of empowerment which occurs when people work together as a community.
Holding the Line: Woman in the Great Arizona Mine Strike
Holding the Line, Barbara Kingsolver's first non fiction book, is the story of women's lives transformed by an a signal event. Set in the small mining towns of Arizona, it is part oral history and part social criticism, exploring the process of empowerment which occurs when people work together as a community.
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike
Holding the Line, Barbara Kingsolver's first non fiction book, is the story of women's lives transformed by an a signal event. Set in the small mining towns of Arizona, it is part oral history and...
Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike
Kingsolver also wrote the nonfictional Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983 (1989), which records the endeavours of a group of women fighting the repressive policies of a mining corporation.
Excerpt | Holding The Line: Women In The Great Arizona
Holding The Line: Women In The Great Arizona Mine Strike Chapter 1: The Devil’s Domain. Flossie Navarro is a sturdy woman, strong boned and handsome, with a lightness in her bearing that has stood up to some seventy years of living a rock hard life. Those years have neither dulled her mind nor dented her will.
com: Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona
Holding the Line, Barbara Kingsolver's first non fiction book, is the story of women's lives transformed by an a signal event. Set in the small mining towns of Arizona, it is part oral history and part social criticism, exploring the process of empowerment which occurs when people work together as a community.
Holding the Line for Women Ms Magazine
Holding the Line for Women. ... attorney general and secretary of state—are now held by women. In state legislatures, women now hold 28 percent of seats, smashing previous records and bringing about the largest electoral gain in “more than a decade of relative stagnation,” according to Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American ...
Women Holding the Line | MomsRising
So while the rights and well being of women and families are under attack in Washington and statehouses nationwide, let's not forget that strong women are holding the line. Against all odds, women are igniting change, standing up for the values of equity and inclusion, and the urgent needs of the most marginalized.
Hold the line Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of hold the line in the Idioms Dictionary. hold the line phrase. What does hold the line expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Hold the line Idioms by The Free Dictionary ... The two women waded across the Rio Grande near El Paso, where the INS's Operation Hold the Line is in effect.
Book title: Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983
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