PDF Reading The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The Original Deaf-Blind Girl English 312420293 PDF
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The Original Deaf-Blind Girl
In 1837, Samuel Gridley Howe, the ambitious director of Boston's Perkins Institution for the Blind, heard about Laura Bridgman, a bright deaf-blind seven-year-old, the daughter of New Hampshire farmers. He resolved to dazzle the world by rescuing her from the "darkness and silence of the tomb." And indeed, thanks to Howe and an extraordinary group of female teachers, Laura learned to finger-spell, to read raised letters, and to write legibly and even eloquently.Philosophers, poets, educators, theologians, and early psychologists hailed Laura as a moral inspiration and a living laboratory for the most controversial ideas of the day. She quickly became a major tourist attraction, and many influential writers and reformers—Carlyle, Dickens, and Hawthorne among them—visited her or wrote about her. But as the Civil War loomed and her girlish appeal faded, the public began to lose interest. By the time Laura died in 1889, she had been wholly eclipsed by Helen Keller.The Imprisoned Guest recovers Laura Bridgman's forgotten life, placing it in the context of nineteenth-century American social, intellectual, and cultural history. Her troubling, tumultuous relationship with Howe, who rode her achievements to his own fame but could not cope with the intense, demanding adult she became, sheds light on the contradictory attitudes of a reform era in which we can find some precursors to our own.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The Original Deaf-Blind Girl
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 312420293

The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The
"The Imprisoned Guest" is a factual biography of Laura Bridgman and her teacher and benefactor, Samuel Gridley Howe. Elkins clearly drew on it heavily for her fictionalized story. Unfortunately, it's overly dry and scholarly; although it conveyed the essence of Bridgman's life and her relationship with Howe, it failed to inspire and "sing."
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The
In The Imprisoned Guest, she masterfully spins out a narrative which is so intimate and riveting it had me up nights. The story of the tangled relationship between Laura Bridgman, who is without sight or hearing, and Samuel Howe, whose benevolence and brilliance are ultimately upended by his hubris, is a tale that prefigures our own times."—
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The
The Imprisoned Guest recovers Laura Bridgman's forgotten life, placing it in the context of nineteenth century American social, intellectual, and cultural history. Her troubling, tumultuous relationship with Howe, who rode her achievements to his own fame but could not cope with the intense, demanding adult she became, sheds light on the ...
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The
The resurrected story of a deaf blind girl and the man who brought her out of silence.In 1837, Samuel Gridley Howe, director of Boston's Perkins Institution for the Blind, heard about a bright, deaf blind seven year old, the daughter of New Hampshire farmers. At once he resolved...
Nonfiction Book Review: THE IMPRISONED GUEST: Samuel Howe
THE IMPRISONED GUEST: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf Blind Girl Elisabeth Gitter, Author . Farrar, Straus & Giroux $25 (341p) ISBN 978 0 374 11738 2
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf Blind Girl [Gitter, Elisabeth] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf Blind Girl
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The
In The Imprisoned Guest, she masterfully spins out a narrative which is so intimate and riveting it had me up nights. The story of the tangled relationship between Laura Bridgman, who is without sight or hearing, and Samuel Howe, whose benevolence and brilliance are ultimately upended by his hubris, is a tale that prefigures our own times."—
com: The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura
Samuel Gridley Howe discovered how to teach Laura to communicate by language. Helen Keller's teacher, Annie Sullivan, used similar methods to teach Helen as well. Annie Sullivan knew and lived in the same house as Laura when Annie was a student at the Perkins Institute for the Blind.
Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf Blind Girl, and The Education of Laura Bridgman: First Deaf and Blind Person to Learn Language. Kim Nielsen. Kim Nielsen University of Wisconsin. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Search for other works by this author on:
The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The
Click to read more about The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The Original Deaf Blind Girl by Elisabeth Gitter. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers
Book title: The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, The Original Deaf-Blind Girl
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