PDF Reading An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven: Selected Memories of an Irish Doctor Abroad English 1786050579 PDF

An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven: Selected Memories of an Irish Doctor Abroad

This memoir begins in 1940s middle-class Catholic Ireland, and tells the story of a country boy who became a doctor in 1957 while holding onto the dream of working with the poor. Turning down the prospect of a glittering career, he went instead to work in Africa and the Caribbean with his young wife, Doreen, driven by a long-nurtured desire to serve as a missionary doctor. His adventures bring us to the heart of Africa, the sands of the Sahara, the lush islands of the Caribbean and the world of Islam in Saudi Arabia. Dr Colbert shares stories of medical dilemmas, mistakes, and triumphs; of the people he worked with; and of the people he served, bringing the reader with him as he describes incidents that are sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but always fascinating. This is more than a travel book: love, faith, and understanding shine through the pages.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven: Selected Memories of an Irish Doctor Abroad

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1786050579


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An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven: Selected Memories of an Irish Doctor Abroad

An Irish Doctor’s Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven
Description. An Irish Doctor’s Odyssey, Dr Colbert’s first book of memoirs, is about middle class Catholic Ireland in the 1940s and tells the true story of a country boy born in Waterford, sent off at nine years of age to board with the Dominicans in Newbridge and graduating as a doctor in UCD in 1957 while still holding onto the dream of working with the poor.
An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven
An Irish Doctor s Odyssey, Dr Colbert s first book of memoirs, is about middle class Catholic Ireland in the 1940s and tells the true story of a country boy born in Waterford, sent off at nine years of age to board with the Dominicans in Newbridge and graduating as a doctor in UCD in 1957 while still holding onto the dream of working with the poor.
An Irish Doctor's Odyssey : Dom Colbert : 9781786050571
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Book title: An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven: Selected Memories of an Irish Doctor Abroad
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An Irish Doctor's Odyssey: The Saints Are in Heaven: Selected Memories of an Irish Doctor Abroad

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