PDF Reading Killing Time: An 18-Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom English 1602399743 PDF
Killing Time: An 18-Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
In 1984, John Thompson was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of a prominent white man in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was sent to Angola Prison and confined to his cell for twenty-three hours a day. However, Thompson adamantly proclaimed his innocence and just needed lawyers who believed that his trial had been mishandled and would step up to the plate against the powerful DA’s office. But who would fight for Thompson’s innocence when he didn’t have an alibi for the night of the murder and there were two key witnesses to confirm his guilt?Killing Time is about the eighteen-year quest for Thompson’s freedom from a wrongful murder conviction. After Philadelphia lawyers Michael Banks and Gordon Cooney take on his case, they struggle to find areas of misconduct in his previous trials while grappling with their questions about Thompson’s innocence. John Hollway and Ronald M. Gauthier have interviewed Thompson and the lawyers, and paint a realistic and compelling portrait of life on death row and the corruption in the Louisiana police and DA’s office. When it is found that evidence was mishandled in a previous trial that led to his death sentence in the murder case, Thompson is finally on his road to freedom—a journey that continues with his suit against Harry Connick, Sr. and the New Orleans DA’s office to this day.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Killing Time: An 18-Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1602399743

Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom by. John Hollway, Ronald M. Gauthier. 4.33 · Rating details · 85 ratings · 13 reviews In 1984, John Thompson was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of a prominent white man in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was sent to Angola Prison and confined to his cell for twenty three ...
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom [Hollway, John, Gauthier, Ronald M.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom Kindle Edition by John Hollway (Author), Ronald M. Gauthier (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 4.8 out of 5 stars 14 ratings
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Buy Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom: Read Kindle Store Reviews Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom Kindle edition by Hollway, John, Gauthier, Ronald M..
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time chronicles Mr. Thompson's 18 yr. quest for freedom and exoneration from a wrongful death conviction.Alone and on death row, and in solitary confinement for 23 hrs. a day. Thompson lacked the means and support to seek vindication.Not until 2 Philadelphia lawyers, Michael Banks, and Gordon Cooney took this case pro bono did Mr ...
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time: An 18 Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom (English Edition) eBook: Hollway, John, Gauthier, Ronald M.: .mx: Tienda Kindle
Killing Time: An 18 year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
Killing Time: An 18 year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom (Audio Download): .co.uk: John Hollway, Kirby Heyborne, Ronald M. Gauthier, Audible Studios: Audible Audiobooks
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Book title: Killing Time: An 18-Year Odyssey from Death Row to Freedom
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