PDF Reading Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town English 804170568 PDF
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town
Missoula, Montana, is a typical college town, home to a highly regarded state university whose beloved football team inspires a passionately loyal fan base. Between January 2008 and May 2012, hundreds of students reported sexual assaults to the local police. Few of the cases were properly handled by either the university or local authorities. In this, Missoula is also typical.In these pages, acclaimed journalist Jon Krakauer investigates a spate of campus rapes that occurred in Missoula over a four-year period. Taking the town as a case study for a crime that is sadly prevalent throughout the nation, Krakauer documents the experiences of five victims: their fear and self-doubt in the aftermath; the skepticism directed at them by police, prosecutors, and the public; their bravery in pushing forward and what it cost them. These stories cut through abstract ideological debate about acquaintance rape to demonstrate that it does not happen because women are sending mixed signals or seeking attention. They are victims of a terrible crime, deserving of fairness from our justice system. Rigorously researched, rendered in incisive prose, Missoula stands as an essential call to action.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 804170568

Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town Jon Krakauer is an American writer best known for his writings about the outdoors "Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town'' is a brutally honest, absorbing piece of investigative journalism that chronicles several alleged cases of "non stranger" rape that occurred in the college town of Missoula, Montana, between January 2008 and May 2012.
com: Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a
From bestselling author Jon Krakauer, a stark, powerful, meticulously reported narrative about a series of sexual assaults at the University of Montana stories that illuminate the human drama behind the national plague of campus rape Missoula, Montana, is a typical college town, with a highly regarded state university, bucolic surroundings, a lively social scene, and an excellent football team the Grizzlies with a rabid fan base.
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by
Journalist Krakauer (Into Thin Air) follows a rash of rapes at the University of Montana in Missoula from 2010 to 2012, events that sparked a furor and a Justice Department investigation; Krakauer sticks with two cases in particular through agonizing courtroom dramas, spotlighting the two obstacles to justice.
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town
In this, Missoula is also typical. A DOJ report released in December of 2014 estimates 110,000 women between the ages of eighteen and twenty four are raped each year. Krakauer's devastating narrative of what happened in Missoula makes clear why rape is so prevalent on American campuses, and why rape victims are so reluctant to report assault.
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town
The Washington Post. Missoula comes to us partly as an act of expiation, a book with a mission: to inform readers of certain brutal facts about rape and the way it can alter its victims lives, and to highlight the difficulty victims often experience in their search for justice.
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town. by Jon Krakauer. Several days ago, the dean at the University of Virginia wrote an open letter to Rolling Stone magazine to cite the false reporting they had done. In this highly controversial and now stricken article, the dean was quoted as saying that UVA is a rape school and is ...
Jon Krakauers Missoula, About Rape in a College Town
The result is Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town, which has more in common with Under the Banner of Heaven, Krakauers depiction of the evils of Mormon ...
Missoula Quotes by Jon Krakauer Goodreads
In fact, the criminal justice system gives victims no direct say in the matter. It's the police, for the most part, who decide whether a suspect should be arrested, and prosecutors who ultimately determine whether a conviction should be pursued.. ? Jon Krakauer, Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town.
Missoula: Study Guide | SparkNotes
Missoula is a true crime book by Jon Krakauer that was first published in 2015. ... Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town . Buy Now. Take a Study Break. Every Book on Your English Syllabus Summed Up in a Quote from The Office; Greek Mythology Summed Up in John Mulaney Quotes;
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