PDF Reading My Body Is a Book of Rules English 1597099694 PDF

My Body Is a Book of Rules

"A candid, autobiographical scrapbook from a young woman navigating manic depression.…A fever dream of darkly personal memories and musings from the shadowy corners of sexual violence and mental illness." As Elissa Washuta makes the transition from college kid to independent adult, she finds herself overwhelmed by the calamities piling up in her brain. When her mood-stabilizing medications aren’t threatening her life, they’re shoving her from depression to mania and back in the space of an hour. Her crisis of American Indian identity bleeds into other areas of self-doubt; mental illness, sexual trauma, ethnic identity, and independence become intertwined. Sifting through the scraps of her past in seventeen formally inventive chapters, Washuta aligns the strictures of her Catholic school education with Cosmopolitan’s mandates for womanhood, views memories through the distorting lens of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and contrasts her bipolar highs and lows with those of Britney Spears and Kurt Cobain. Built on the bones of fundamental identity questions as contorted by a distressed brain, My Body Is a Book of Rules pulls no punches in its self-deprecating and ferocious look at human fallibility. This debut memoir from the independent publisher Red Hen Press isn't for the faint of heart. Washuta's honest and lyrical language as well as her subject matter — her struggles with bipolar disorder and coping with the effects of rape — will gut you, but it's the rawness of this work that makes it worth reading. Washuta's form, including revised psychiatrists' notes, annotated research papers on the use of the term "hooking up," summaries of prescription medications, and a Match.com profile, is inventive and invites the reader into the author's chaotic brain. The book perfectly articulates the difficulties navigating the path toward adulthood while coping with trauma and mental illness.—Melissa Duclos for Bustle

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : My Body Is a Book of Rules

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1597099694


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My Body Is a Book of Rules

My Body Is a Book of Rules by Elissa Washuta
Elissa Washuta lays herself bare and examines her experiences with a keen eye for emotion and human fallibility. All of the topics in My Body Is a Book of Rules, ranging from mental illness to consent and sexual violence, carry such importance despite society's stigma.
com: My Body Is a Book of Rules (9781597099691
Elissa’s Washuta’s first book “My Body is a Book of Rules” serves up her realities surrounding mental illness, sexual assault and ethnic identity with no apologies. This lyric memoir takes an unconventional approach to craft through her distinct stylistic choices.
My Body Is a Book of Rules: Elissa Washuta: Trade
My Body Is a Book of Rules chronicles the Chutes and Ladders style descent into the body and ascent out through the head that is our present coming of age myth. A sweet soul will spill out; they just do. We're lucky that every now and then, someone as thoughtful as Elissa Washuta takes the time to record what this feels like.” ...
Opinion | You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a
My body and blood are a tangible truth of the South and its past. The black people I come from were owned by the white people I come from. The white people I come from fought and died for their ...
My Body Is a Book of Rules | IndieBound org
“ My Body Is a Book of Rules chronicles the Chutes and Ladders style descent into the body and ascent out through the head that is our present coming of age myth. A sweet soul will spill out; they just do. We’re lucky that every now and then, someone as thoughtful as Elissa Washuta takes the time to record what this feels like.”
My Body Is A Book Of Rules By Elissa Washuta The Rumpus net
In My Body is a Book of Rules, Elissa Washuta delivers a coming of age memoir in a succession of linked essays that mirror the rapid cycling of her bipolar brain.She pulls readers into the world of a young woman as she struggles to reconcile her mixed Native and White heritage, mental and physical well being, and sexuality in the wake of losing her virginity to rape.
com: Customer reviews: My Body Is a Book of Rules
Elissa’s Washuta’s first book “My Body is a Book of Rules” serves up her realities surrounding mental illness, sexual assault and ethnic identity with no apologies. This lyric memoir takes an unconventional approach to craft through her distinct stylistic choices.
My Body Is A Book Of Rules Elissa Washuta
My Body is a Book of Rules Eli # a $ a % uta (#4& 1 #)& (#..0 Elissa Washuta is white and Native, bipolar, and lost her virginity to rape. Her first book, My Body Is a Book of Rules , is a modern coming of age memoir that reaches into these tangles of the body and mind through American pop culture. ItÕs not a traditional memoir: Washuta
Opinion | ‘My Body Is a Confederate Monument’: Slavery
‘My Body Is a Confederate Monument’: Slavery, Rape and Reframing the Past Caroline Randall Williams discusses her essay that puts Black Southerners like her squarely at the heart of the debate. By...

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