PDF Reading Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography English 1557836329 PDF

Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography

(Applause Books). Billy Wilder (1906-2002) was one of the legendary figures in 20th-century film. When he died recently, he left behind an incredible celluloid legacy. Sunset Boulevard, Some Like It Hot, Double Indemnity, The Apartment, The Lost Weekend, Sabrina and other Wilder films have become a part of our shared experience and collective memory. In Nobody's Perfect , Billy Wilder speaks for himself, in what is as close to an autobiography as there ever will be. Charlotte Chandler, author of authorized bios on Groucho Marx and Federico Fellini, met Wilder in the mid-1970s and began a friendship that continued until his death. Over the course of more than 20 years, she interviewed not only Wilder, but many of the actors and other creative people who worked with him. The result is this remarkable book, a very personal look at one of filmdom's true creative geniuses. In a life as dramatic as his films, Wilder survived World War I and escaped the Holocaust. His great gift as a screenwriter soon became apparent, as did his easy rapport with actors. As a writer-director, he worked with such stars as Greta Garbo, William Holden, Tony Curtis, Barbara Stanwyck, Marlene Dietrich, Ginger Rogers, Gloria Swanson, Audrey Hepburn, Gary Cooper, James Cagney, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau and Marilyn Monroe most of whom were interviewed for this book. This revealing and vastly entertaining book is a wonderful, timely tribute to this great writer-director, a legacy of Wilder's wit, insight and remarkable wisdom.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1557836329


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Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography

Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography
In Nobody's Perfect , Billy Wilder speaks for himself, in what is as close to an autobiography as there ever will be. Charlotte Chandler, author of authorized bios on Groucho Marx and Federico Fellini, met Wilder in the mid 1970s and began a friendship that continued until his death. Over the course of more than 20 years, she interviewed not ...
Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder: A Personal Biography
In Nobody's Perfect, Billy Wilder speaks for himself, in what is as close to an autobiography as there ever will be. Charlotte Chandler, author of earlier authorized biographies of Groucho Marx and Federico Fellini, met Wilder in the mid 1970s and began a friendship that continued until his death.
Nobody's Perfect: A Personal Biography of Billy Wilder by
In Nobody's Perfect, Billy Wilder speaks When he died recently, he left behind an incredible celluloid legacy. Sunset Boulevard, Some Like It Hot, Double Indemnity, The Apartment, The Lost Weekend, Sabrina and other Wilder films have become a part of our shared experience and collective memory.
Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography
In Nobody's Perfect, Billy Wilder speaks for himself, in what is as close to an autobiography as there ever will be. Charlotte Chandler, author of authorized bios on Groucho Marx and Federico Fellini, met Wilder in the mid 1970s and began a friendship that continued until his death. Over the course of more than 20 years, she interviewed not ...
Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, a Personal Biography
"'Nobody's perfect' is the line that most sums up my work," Billy Wilder told writer Charlotte Chandler. "There is no comedy, no drama about perfect people."Film is the Cinderella Art of the 20th century, and Billy Wilder was one of its most legendary figures. When he died recently, Wilder left behind an incredible celluloid legacy. "Sunset Boulevard, Some Like It Hot, Double Indemnity, The ...
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Billy Wilder: Filmmaking Masterclass. Billy Wilder is a legendary filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist and journalist, whose career spanned more than 50 years and 60 films. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood’s golden age.

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Nobody's Perfect: Billy Wilder, A Personal Biography

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