PDF Reading Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England English 1582345961 PDF

Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England

A lively portrait of a tumultuous period replete with conflict and strife, political intrigue and shifting alliances, assassinations and coronations.Emma, one of England's most remarkable queens, made her mark on a nation beset by Viking raiders at the end of the Dark Ages, a period often neglected by conventional history. At the center of a triangle of Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, and Normans all jostling for control of England, Emma was a political pawn who became a power broker and an unscrupulous manipulator. By birth a Norman, Emma spent the majority of her life on English soil. She was married to two kings of England and outlived both; she was twice driven into exile; while mourning the untimely loss of one son, she was devastated by the murder of another; she saw two of her sons crowned; she was stripped of her powers when her eldest son became king; and she eventually retired from public life as a dowager queen whose land and wealth had been restored. Regarded by her contemporaries as a generous Christian patron, a regent admired by her subjects, and a Machiavellian mother, Emma was, above all, a survivor: hers was a life marked by dramatic reversals of fortune.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1582345961


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Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England

Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th
Emma, one of England's most remarkable queens, made her mark on a nation beset by Viking raiders at the end of the Dark Ages, a period often neglected by conventional history. At the center of a triangle of Anglo Saxons, Vikings, and Normans all jostling for control of England, Emma was a political pawn who became a power broker and an unscrupulous manipulator.
Queen Emma and the Vikings: A History of Power, Love, and
Queen Emma and the Vikings: A History of Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England Ebook written by Harriet O'Brien. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Queen Emma and the Vikings: A History of Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England.
Queen Emma and the Vikings: A History of Power, Love, and
About Queen Emma and the Vikings. Emma, one of England's most remarkable queens, made her mark on a nation beset by Viking raiders at the end of the Dark Ages, a period often neglected by conventional history. At the center of a triangle of Anglo Saxons, Vikings, and Normans all jostling for control of England, Emma was a political pawn who became ...
Queen Emma and the Vikings: The Woman who Shaped the
Emma was one of England's most remarkable queens a formidable woman who made her mark on a Europe beset by Vikings. By birth a Norman, she married and outlived two kings of England and witnessed...
Queen Emma and the Vikings: The Woman Who Shaped the
Emma was one of England's most remarkable queens: a formidable woman who made her mark on a Europe beset by Vikings. By birth a Norman, she married and outlived two kings of England and witnessed the coronations of two of her sons: Harthcnut the Viking and Edward the Confessor. She became an unscrupulous political player and was diversely regarded ...
Harriet O'Brien: Queen Emma And The Vikings: Power, Love
The wedding was an attempt to forge an alliance against the Viking raiders that had been plaguing England for decades. After Aethelred's death 14 years later, Emma, half Danish herself, hooked up with a notorious Viking invader. She managed to place two of her sons on the English throne in a time of cutthroat intrigue battles over succession.
Queen Emma and the Vikings: O'Brien, Harriet
Emma was one of England's most remarkable queens: a formidable woman who made her mark on a Europe beset by Vikings. By birth a Norman, she married and outlived two kings of England and witnessed the coronations of two of her sons: Harthcnut the Viking and Edward the Confessor.
Lit in The Last Frontier: QUEEN EMMA AND THE VIKINGS by
QUEEN EMMA AND THE VIKINGS by Harriet O’Brien Quick Version A history of Emma, Norman wife of two kings of England (one Anglo Saxon and one Dane), mother of two kings of England, and great aunt of William the Conqueror.
Emma of Normandy: Twice Queen Consort of England
Emma of Normandy (~985 – March 6, 1052) was a Viking queen of England, married to successive English kings: the Anglo Saxon Aethelred the Unready, then Cnut the Great. She was also the mother of King Harthacnut and King Edward the Confessor.

Book title: Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England
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Queen Emma and the Vikings: Power, Love, and Greed in 11th Century England

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