PDF Reading Rise of the Little Horn (Larger Print edition) English 1983787477 PDF
Rise of the Little Horn (Larger Print edition)
President Donald Trump is a man of mystery and intrigue whose destiny remains veiled. Horizontal relationships, be they associates, friends or even family members, are essentially unaware of his true ambitions. Opinions of the “experts”, political or otherwise, are of little value -- the blind leading the blind. Trump may have thin skin, but the real person lies beneath an impenetrable veneer. With thought-provoking eloquence, this book divests the man of his mask to uncover who or “what” he truly is.Thousands of years ago, prophets foretold of a coming ruler -- the Man of Sin, the Wicked One. Scripture provides a swath of knowledge detailing his life and character. Inside, the reader will discover an exhaustive treatment of the Bible’s prophecies concerning this coming Evil One. With no stone left unturned, the conclusion is clear for those with eyes to see. Unequivocally, President Trump is, indeed, THE ANTICHRIST; the world ruler foretold in the Bible to bring about Armageddon.RISE OF THE LITTLE HORN is not a work of fiction. As the first horseman of The Apocalypse prepares his triumphal entry, a time of reckoning is fast-approaching. This is neither a drill...nor a dream. This is happening.Regardless of whether you choose to believe, your life will, in fact, change. The coming cosmic shift will be independent of your belief in its validity. While unbelief will not alter its course, it may alter yours.As scary as these times are -- fear not, there’s hope.(Please note: This is a "Larger" Print edition with a 13-point font, a 2-point enlargement of the regular edition. It is not technically a "Large Print" book.Regular edition is available for $14.95. Search ISBN number 1983759988 Kindle eBook is available for $7.95)
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Rise of the Little Horn (Larger Print edition)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1983787477

Rise of the Little Horn
Rise of the Little Horn Rise of the Little Horn unlocks the mystery surrounding one enigmatic man and his whirlwind rise to power ? a man who has sent the entire world spiraling into a state of shock. Who is this man? Opinions abound from the masses groping in darkness.
Rise of the Little Horn: Dane, Jonathan: 9781983759987
Jonathan Dane’s book “Rise of the Little Horn” builds a case for Donald Trump as the Anti Christ. It is chilling to see how many events during Trump’s life, campaign and Presidency can be neatly referenced to biblical scripture dealing with what Christians consider harbingers of the End Times.
Rise of the Little Horn Kindle edition by Dane, Jonathan
Jonathan Dane’s book “Rise of the Little Horn” builds a case for Donald Trump as the Anti Christ. It is chilling to see how many events during Trump’s life, campaign and Presidency can be neatly referenced to biblical scripture dealing with what Christians consider harbingers of the End Times.
The Little Horn: Rise of the Antichrist — Christ Will Return
From the passages above, we can determine the characteristics of the “little” horn, before he subdues the three kings: He rises to power after the 10 nation confederacy is in place, not before. He rises to power within this group of ten, without being one of the ten kings.
What is the little horn in the book of Daniel
The little, boastful horn with a human mouth and eyes represents a specific king; at his rise to power, three of the original kings will fall. This evil king pictured as the little horn “will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people” (Daniel 7:25).
The Little Horn of Daniel
Generalized Information taken from Hope Beyond 2000 Video series "Rise of the little horn of Daniel 7” Kenneth Cox. Historical records reveal the papacy officially began its reign in 538 A.D. upon Emperor Justinian's decree, and under the military protection of Belisarius.
The Little Horn of Daniel 7 The Bible Antichrist
The Little Horn is Antichrist The little horn power of Daniel 7 is the first mention in the Bible of this end time antichrist power, so it's a good place to start for our study on who the Bible antichrist is. This little horn power in Daniel fits perfectly to the Papal church of Rome, the Roman Catholic Church.
Book title: Rise of the Little Horn (Larger Print edition)
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