PDF Reading Taking Turns (Stories from HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371) English 271078189 PDF
Taking Turns (Stories from HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371)
In 1994, at the height of the AIDS epidemic in the United States, MK Czerwiec took her first nursing job, at Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago, as part of the caregiving staff of HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371. Taking Turns pulls back the curtain on life in the ward.A shining example of excellence in the treatment and care of patients, Unit 371 was a community for thousands of patients and families affected by HIV and AIDS and the people who cared for them. This graphic novel combines Czerwiec’s memories with the oral histories of patients, family members, and staff. It depicts life and death in the ward, the ways the unit affected and informed those who passed through it, and how many look back on their time there today. Czerwiec joined Unit 371 at a pivotal time in the history of AIDS: deaths from the syndrome in the Midwest peaked in 1995 and then dropped drastically in the following years, with the release of antiretroviral protease inhibitors. This positive turn of events led to a decline in patient populations and, ultimately, to the closure of Unit 371. Czerwiec’s restrained, inviting drawing style and carefully considered narrative examine individual, institutional, and community responses to the AIDS epidemic—as well as the role that art can play in the grieving process.Deeply personal yet made up of many voices, this history of daily life in a unique AIDS care unit is an open, honest look at suffering, grief, and hope among a community of medical professionals and patients at the heart of the epidemic.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Taking Turns (Stories from HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 271078189

Taking Turns | MK Czerwiec MK Czerwiec " ic Nurse
Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit 371 will be published by Penn State University Press in March 2017. MK Czerwiecs tales of her nursing work on an AIDS unit chart a remarkable episode in the history of medicine. Its a time of staggering loss but also remarkable change.
Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit 371
MK Czerwiecs graphic memoir Taking Turns is one of the latest entries in the Graphic Medicine series published by Penn State University Press. The book chronicles Czerwiecs seven years serving as a nurse on the dedicated HIV AIDS Care Unit at Illinois Masonic Hospital.
Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit 371 by MK
Taking Turns is an important work that takes the field of graphic medicine in new directions, both in terms of its objectthe philosophy and practices of a clinical unit dedicated to the care of people with AIDS in a particular place and historical momentand its approachdrawing on the comic artists own experience as a nurse on the unit as well as her interviews with other practitioners and patients.
Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit 371 By MK
Taking Turns is an important work that takes the field of graphic medicine in new directions, both in terms of its objectthe philosophy and practices of a clinical unit dedicated to the care of people with AIDS in a particular place and historical momentand its approachdrawing on the comic artists own experience as a nurse on the unit as well as her interviews with other practitioners and patients. Lisa Diedrich, author of Indirect Action: Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, AIDS ...
com: Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit
"Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit" is a graphic work by MK Czerwiec that describes her time working as a nurse in a dedicated AIDS unit at Illinois Masonic Hospital in Chicago. It is as much a story about the staff members and the volunteers as much as it is about the patients.
Taking turns : stories from HIV AIDS care Unit 371 (Book
Get this from a library! Taking turns : stories from HIV AIDS care Unit 371. [MK Czerwiec] "A graphic memoir and adapted oral history of Unit 371, an inpatient AIDS care hospital unit in Chicago that was in existence from 1985 to 2000. Examines the human costs of caregiving and the role ...
ics Book Review: Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS
Taking Turns: Stories from HIV AIDS Care Unit 371 MK Czerwiec. Penn State Univ, $29.95 trade paper (224p) ISBN 978 0 271 07818 2. Buy this book Czerwiec, a registered nurse and cofounder of ...
Graphic Medicine Ser : Taking Turns : Stories from HIV
Dr. Devlyn McCreight, Graphic Medicine, "Taking Turns bears important witness to a specific moment in the history of HIV AIDS through the testimony of caregivers, patients, and volunteers. MK Czerwiec's story also issues a gracious challenge: knowing that we all live in vulnerable bodies, knowing that we will all 'take turns' needing others and being needed, how can we make this one life we have meaningful?
Book title: Taking Turns (Stories from HIV/AIDS Care Unit 371)
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