PDF Reading The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks) English 801477611 PDF
The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks)
What is work? Is it simply a burden to be tolerated or something more meaningful to one's sense of identity and self-worth? And why does it matter? In a uniquely thought-provoking book, John W. Budd presents ten historical and contemporary views of work from across the social sciences and humanities. By uncovering the diverse ways in which we conceptualize work―such as a way to serve or care for others, a source of freedom, a source of income, a method of psychological fulfillment, or a social relation shaped by class, gender, race, and power―The Thought of Work reveals the wide-ranging nature of work and establishes its fundamental importance for the human experience. When we work, we experience our biological, psychological, economic, and social selves. Work locates us in the world, helps us and others make sense of who we are, and determines our access to material and social resources.By integrating these distinct views, Budd replaces the usual fragmentary approaches to understanding the nature and meaning of work with a comprehensive approach that promotes a deep understanding of how work is understood, experienced, and analyzed. Concepts of work affect who and what is valued, perceptions of freedom and social integration, identity construction, evaluations of worker well-being, the legitimacy and design of human resource management practices, support for labor unions and labor standards, and relationships between religious faith and work ethics. By drawing explicit attention to diverse, implicit meanings of work, The Thought of Work allows us to better understand work, to value it, and to structure it in desirable ways that reflect its profound importance.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 801477611

The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks): Budd, John W
The Thought of Work is part of a real renaissance in the interdisciplinary study of work and is to be applauded." Tim Strangleman, British Journal of Industrial Relations. Review "In academic analysis as in everyday life, we hold conflicting perspectives and assumptions regarding work. In this impressive book, John W. Budd offers a ...
The Thought of Work by John W Budd | Paperback | Cornell
" The Thought of Work is an erudite and engaging interdisciplinary synthesis of ten meanings of work that shows the centrality of work in our lives, identity politics, and society.
The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks) by John W Budd
The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks) by John W. Budd (2011 07 28) Mass Market Paperback – January 1, 1750 4.8 out of 5 stars 6 ratings See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions
Cornell Paperbacks: The Thought of Work (Paperback
Free 2 day shipping on qualified orders over $35. Buy Cornell Paperbacks: The Thought of Work (Paperback) at Walmart
The Thought of Work, by John Budd Cornell University
The Thought of Work, by John Budd. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2011, 264 pp., ISBN 978 0 8014 7761 4, US$24.95, paperback. March 2013 British Journal of Industrial Relations 51 (1)
The Thought of Work Ithaca, NY: ILR Cornell University
The Thought of Work. Ithaca, NY: ILR Cornell University Press, 2011. 247 pp. $24.95 (paperback). As de?ned by John W. Budd, work is “a purposeful human activity involving physical or mental exertion that is not undertaken solely for pleasure and has economic or symbolic value” (2). Anyone who tackles John W. Budd’s ambitious
John W Budd The Thought of Work Cornell University Press
John W Budd. The Thought of Work. Cornell University Press, Ithaca [etc.]2011. xi, 247 pp. $24.95. Josef Ehmer (a1)
The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks): co uk
The `Thought of Work' casts its net much wider; work is considered: as a curse, freedom, commodity, citizenship, disutility, personal fulfilment, social relations, caring for others, as identity and as service. Ten big subjects, but before dealing with any of them the introduction defines the very concept of work.
The thought of the work to be done may rest, like a pall, over the student's holidays; he may be compelled to work at home, under conditions far from conducive to accurate, satisfactory study; or he may oven return to Ithaca early, or leave late, in an effort to make up lost time.
Book title: The Thought of Work (Cornell Paperbacks)
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