PDF Reading The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain English 1944992111 PDF

The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain

As blood spilled from his body and pooled beneath him, Luther Khadafi Fuller believed that he was taking his last breath after being stabbed in the Beaumont Pen. But he was wrong. It wasn't his day to die. Over time his wounds healed, but his heart was forever scarred. The man who had made the Ultimate Sacrifice for him had tried to take his life all because he slept with the man's baby s mother. One year later and back on the streets, Khadafi wants nothing more than to punish the two men responsible for his near demise Tony Coleman and Ameen. Charles Lil' Cee Gooding was suspected to have snitched on his men about a murder that happened in the shower room in a Beaumont Pen. The truth was he never told a soul about the murder. As a result of that suspicion, his mother and three-year-old sister paid the ultimate price with their lives. Newly released from prison, Lil' Cee is determined to exact revenge on the one man left that he knows killed his family . . . Khadafi. Rakemie Kemie Bryant loves Khadafi with all her heart, but a secret from her past has resurfaced and it s about to change all of their lives forever, in this ULTIMATE SACRIFICE II.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1944992111


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The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain

The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love is Pain Kindle edition
Newly released from prison, Lil' Cee is determined to exact revenge on the one man left that he knows killed his family . . . Khadafi. Rakemie Kemie Bryant loves Khadafi with all her heart, but a secret from her past has resurfaced and it s about to change all of their lives forever, in this ULTIMATE SACRIFICE II.
The Ultimate Sacrifice II (The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love
The Ultimate Sacrifice II (The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain, #2) by Anthony Fields. NOOK Book (eBook) $ 9.99. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. ... The man who had made the Ultimate Sacrifice for him had tried to take his life all because he slept with the man's baby s mother. One year later and back on the streets, Khadafi wants nothing ...
The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love is Pain (Wahida Clark
After being sentenced to fifteen years in prison for attempted murder, Anthony Fields discovered his love for the written word. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., a desire to rise above his conditions caused him to pen his first novel, Angel presented by Teri Woods.
The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain
The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain. SKU 9780975964613. $15.95. In stock. Quantity: 1. Add to Bag. Product Details. As blood spills from his body and pools beneath him, Luther Khadafi Fuller believes he is taking his last breath after being stabbed in the Beaumont Penitentiary. But he is wrong.
The Ultimate Sacrifice II by Anthony Fields
The Ultimate Price Love and loyalty manifested into hate and disloyalty when Ameen learned that his brother Khadafi violated the trust and bond they shared. Sentenced to death, Ameen watched as Khadafi's blood flowed.
com: The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain
Newly released from prison, Lil' Cee is determined to exact revenge on the one man left that he knows killed his family . . . Khadafi. Rakemie Kemie Bryant loves Khadafi with all her heart, but a secret from her past has resurfaced and it s about to change all of their lives forever, in this ULTIMATE SACRIFICE II.
The Ultimate Sacrifice II eBook by Anthony Fields
The Ultimate Sacrifice II. by Anthony Fields. The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain (Book 2) Thanks for Sharing! You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.
com: Customer reviews: The Ulimate Sacrifice II
THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE 2: LOVE IS PAIN was AWESOME. I purchased pt.1 a few months back, and was SOOOOOOO EXCITED when I saw that pt.2 was released. It was immediately purchased and read. THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE 2 kept me on the edge of my chair, from the first to the very last page.
com: Customer reviews: The Ultimate Sacrifice II
wow was i pissed off. the first ultimate sacrifice was off the chain. i purchased the second one and it was in left feild some where. to the author please stop at part two. i noticed at the end of part two it said to be countinued. well i wont wsate my hard earned money on that crap. no disrespect to the author or the readers thats just my personal opinion of the book.
The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain: es: Fields
The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain: .es: Fields, Anthony: Libros en idiomas extranjeros

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The Ultimate Sacrifice II: Love Is Pain

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