PDF Reading Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable Development English 1576752348 PDF
Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable Development
Stephan Schmidheiny, author of the hugely influential Changing Course, has joined with fellow prime movers in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development-Chad Holliday of DuPont and Philip Watts of Royal Dutch/Shell-to spell out the business case for addressing sustainable development as a key business strategy. The authors insist that a global partnership-between governments, business and civil society-is essential, if accelerating moves towards globalization are to maximize opportunities for all, especially the world's poor. They argue that far more eco-efficient and socially equitable modes of development must be pursued in order to allow poorer nations to raise their standards of living. To achieve these aims, the book explains that markets must be mobilized in favor of sustainability, leveraging the power of innovation and global markets for the benefits of everyone. Business cannot succeed in failing societies. Whether small, medium or large, all businesses must innovate and change to meet the social and environmental challenges of the coming years. Walking the Talk provides proven strategies for doing just that, and real-world examples of business leaders who are becoming a leading force for change-improving both their own bottom lines and quality of life for future generations around the world.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable Development
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1576752348

Walking the Talk | Organisational Culture Change
Walking the Talk is a world leader in aligning culture with strategy to deliver business results. Our proven methodology creates powerful corporate culture transformations that leave organisations with lasting culture leadership and culture management capability. Simply put, w e make culture do able. And do able by you.
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Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable
Walking the Talk explores the opportunities and challenges inherent in eco efficiency (producing more with less), corporate social responsibility, and a transparent, 'wired' world where reputations can be irreversibly damaged or enhanced in real time. It also devotes a chapter to ways in which corporations can and must 'learn to change'.
Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable
Walking the Talk provides proven strategies for doing just that, and real world examples of business leaders who are becoming a leading force for change improving both their own bottom lines and quality of life for future generations around the world.
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As I have written before, risk is the “unsaid” four letter word in business. Contrary to popular belief, most entrepreneurs and business owners are risk – averse, personally conservative and normally preferring of maintaining a certain business comfort versus really taking the bigger risks necessary to drive growth like: Investing the time and resources to properly raise growth capital ...
The Best Leaders “Talk the Walk” Harvard Business Review
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Walking the Talk | Our Story | Culture
Initially, through her company Corporate Vision, then with Walking the Talk. The mission has always been clear: to make the dream of a thriving, sustainable culture a reality for every business. From the very start, we’ve invested heavily in creating a groundbreaking, easy to use methodology that makes the ‘soft’ and intangible pragmatic and do able.
Book title: Walking the Talk: The Business Case for Sustainable Development
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