PDF Reading What Color is a Conservative? English 60194367 PDF

What Color is a Conservative?

An inspiring autobiography by one of America's emerging African-American leaders. This is the inspiring story of J. C. Watts' journey from poverty to college football acclaim to the United States Congress. For the first time in print, Watts shares his hopes and plans for the future of America. Included is an account of his confrontation with the Rev. Jesse Jackson on race and victimization. He tells how he prepared his televised response to President Clinton's State-of-the-Union address even as the world awaited the verdict of the O. J. Simpson trial. Watts forthrightly explains how his deep abiding personal relationship with Jesus Christ directs his role as a leader in America.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : What Color is a Conservative?

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 60194367


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What Color is a Conservative?

What Color is a Conservative?: Watts Jr , J C , Winston
What color is a conservative?” (Pg. 247 248) He concludes, “It is my sincere desire that Republicans and conservatives at ever level of government would reach out to people of all colors and say to them: ‘You’re welcome in our party. These are my values. These are my principles.
What Color Is a Conservative?: My Life and My Politics
What color is a conservative?” (Pg. 247 248) He concludes, “It is my sincere desire that Republicans and conservatives at ever level of government would reach out to people of all colors and say to them: ‘You’re welcome in our party. These are my values. These are my principles.
What Color Is a Conservative?: My Life and My Politics by
What Color Is a Conservative? book. Read 11 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The paperback edition of the inspirational story of t...
[What Color Is a Conservative?] | C SPAN org
J.C. Watts, Jr., a retiring Oklahoma Congressman, discussed his memoir [What Color is a Conservative? My Life and My Politics], published by HarperCollins. Mr. Watts shared his childhood memories ...
What colors are conservative (examples)? Quora
If I were to give political Ideologies a color, I’d most likely stick with the colors used in the political party system, with the “liberal” party (Democrats) being blue, and the conservative party (Republicans) being red. I’d probably give libert...
com: Customer reviews: What Color Is a Conservative
What color is a conservative?” (Pg. 247 248) He concludes, “It is my sincere desire that Republicans and conservatives at ever level of government would reach out to people of all colors and say to them: ‘You’re welcome in our party. These are my values. These are my principles.
Political colour
Political colours are colours used to represent a political ideology, movement or party, either officially or unofficially. It is the intersection of colour symbolism and political symbolism.. Parties in different countries with similar ideologies sometimes use similar colours. As an example the colour red symbolises left wing ideologies in many countries (leading to such terms as "Red Army ...
Red states and blue states
The choice of colors in this divide may appear counter intuitive to non American observers, as in most countries, red is associated with socialist, communist, or social democratic parties, while blue is associated with conservative parties.

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