PDF Reading With MacArthur in Japan: A Personal History of the Occupation English 039333676X PDF
With MacArthur in Japan: A Personal History of the Occupation
The American Occupation of Japan was perhaps one of the most fateful periods in the history of our foreign relations. From his position as senior civilian in the Occupation hierarchy, Ambassador Sebald had a unique opportunity to observe the implementation of policy by MacArthur and his staff and the sometimes acrimonious struggle between civilian, military, and Japanese elements.After serving as a Naval Japanese language officer in the twenties and as a practicing attorney in Kobe for nearly ten years, Sebald returned to Japan after the war as a member of the staff of the U.S. Political Advisor. In 1947 he was appointed Acting U.S. Political Advisor to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces.In this book, Ambassador Sebald explains the major problems and policy shifts with clarity and a fresh approach. For the first time we are told the complete story of his efforts as Chairman of the Allied Council for Japan to repatriate the 650,000 Japanese POW's held by the Soviets. The Korean War, as seen from Tokyo, also takes on a new dimension. Sebald examines the failures on all sides which led to MacArthur's quarrel with Truman. In a highly dramatic scene, Ambassador Sebald records his interview with the General on the day he was dismissed by the President.This is the story of the incredibly busy years of one of America's new-style diplomats. It is a contribution of lasting importance to history, thoroughly documented and eminently readable.Mr. Sebald's co-author, Russell Brines, served in Tokyo and Manila as a correspondent prior to the war and was interned in Manila by the Japanese. He was Chief of the AP's Tokyo Bureau during most of the Occupation.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : With MacArthur in Japan: A Personal History of the Occupation
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 039333676X

Operation Blacklist: What MacArthur's Japan Occupation
These were key premises of General MacArthur’s plan in successfully occupying Japan in 1945, which was the crowning achievement of the Allied forces in the Pacific Theater of World War II.
Douglas MacArthur, America’s Emperor of Japan
General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme mander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), arrived in Japan on August 30, 1945 to oversee the ceremony formally marking its surrender. His mission was to organize a postwar Japanese government, with two primary goals: eliminating Japan’s war potential, and turning it into a Western style nation with a pro American orientation.
How Did Japan Contact MacArthur To Surrender During World
The Japanese further asked MacArthur to communicate with them on “Tokio [sic] station call sign JNP frequency 13740 … language English … in order to make sure that we have received without ...
MacArthur's Military Rule Over Japan | RealClearHistory
At the time of the drafting of the Japanese constitution, MacArthur’s political enemies (of which he had many) on both the left and the right bludgeoned him on the constitutional conundrum he faced in Japan. MacArthur was also faced with the unpleasant prospect of a communist resurrection in Japan (China succumbed, and there was a fear that the same might happen in Japan), and he had to find a way to curb communist violence while protecting individual rights.
MacArthur Headquarters Building in Tokyo
For almost six years General MacArthur oversaw the occupation and restoration of Japan from his office on the sixth floor of the Dai Chi Life Insurance pany building. The building sits along Hibiya Dori—Hibiya Street. The Dai ichi building across the street from the Imperial Palace survived the bombing of Tokyo during the war.
American Proconsul: How Douglas MacArthur Shaped Postwar Japan
Japanese officialdom saw the image as deeply humiliating, and the contrast unmistakably symbolized MacArthur’s Japan. Yet MacArthur also understood the symbolic importance of the emperor, and in early 1946 he prevailed upon Washington to spare Hirohito—whatever his role in condoning and then encouraging the war—from facing charges as a ...
How is MacArthur perceived by the Japanese? Quora
In October 1946 there was even an incident known as the "Hero Worship Incident". After the Japanese bought up all of MacArthur's translated autobiography the Japanese newspaper Jiji Shimpoo gave an editorial warning the Japanese people about "the habit of hero worship that has imbued Japanese minds for the past twenty centuries."
JAPAN REMEMBERS MACARTHUR THE PERFECT SHOGUN. By Margaret Shapiro. March 28, 1988. TOKYO The green leather desk chair is faded, and the carpet is a little musty. But nearly four decades after ...
General Douglas MacArthur’s Administration of Japan
The last C 54 to land was MacArthur’s personal aircraft Bataan II, in which he was discussing the future administration of Japan with his military secretary and chief of psychological warfare Brigadier General Bonner Fellers. After touching down at 14.29 hrs, MacArthur paused at the top of the ladder and was heard to say “This is the payoff”.
Book title: With MacArthur in Japan: A Personal History of the Occupation
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