PDF Reading The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives English 803216483 PDF

The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives

Sharona Ben-Tov Muir discovered after the death of her father, inventor and New Age guru Itzhak Bentov, that he had created Israel’s first rocket. A secret group of scientists working in a rooftop shed, the “Science Corps,” of which he was a part, invented weapons during Israel’s war of independence and later developed Israel’s nuclear resources and other major scientific projects. Bentov, however, settled in Boston and made his fortune with such medical inventions as a cardiac catheter, which he created in his home laboratory, where Muir played as a child. Haunted by the question of why her father had never discussed his past, Muir traveled to Israel to find the Corps. Through her own memories and the memories they share, Muir comes to know the brilliant, impassioned, and creative young Bentov as he demonstrates his latest invention for her, takes her canoeing, and reveals his thoughts about consciousness and the cosmos. Muir elegantly evokes the hubbub of Jerusalem streets, the wartime adventures of her hosts, and the inner lives of Israelis. The resulting story of invention and self-invention, of the Corps’s wartime experience as told for the first time, and of a deep, abiding love between father and daughter is an incandescent memoir. The author provides a new preface for this new Bison Books edition.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 803216483


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The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives

The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's
The Book of Telling keeps in all the fears and resentments and consolations and warmth of such a process—at once her own story and the tale of a nation.”—Edmund White, author of A Boy’s Own Story (Edmund White ) “In the rich field of contemporary Jewish American female memoir, this book is among the finest in print. With this daughter ...
The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's
The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives by Sharona Ben Tov Muir. The Book of Telling book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. After her father died, Sharona Muir learned by chance that he had inve... The Book of Telling book.
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The book of telling : tracing the secrets of my father's
The book of telling : tracing the secrets of my father's lives. [Sharona Muir] After her father died, Sharona Muir learned by chance that he had invented Israel's first rocket. Muir's parents divorced when she was very young, but she adored the father she saw on Saturday ...
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The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives ... The Book of Telling by Professor Sharona Ben tov Muir, Ph.D. 4 17 18 As a member of Prime, I happen to find “invent a minute Ben” and his daughter Sharona. I went to high school with this woman! Having read this book I learned so much about what she went through.
The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's
The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives by Sharona Ben Tov Muir (2008 04 15) Paperback – January 1, 1631 4.4 out of 5 stars 6 ratings See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions
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The Book of Telling: Tracing the Secrets of My Father's Lives

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