PDF Reading Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man English 1563680963 PDF
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man
In Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Dennis Buck unveils the ins and outs of exploiting his "disability" to earn easy money by practicing a unique form of panhandling. Dennis peddled for 11 years despite holding a degree in computer science and receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). He details the day-to-day life of a deaf peddler, including where to make the most money in the least time (airports with their constant transient clientele, malls on weekends, and fast food restaurants) and how he organized his rounds using a spreadsheet program. Deaf Peddler also provides a historical perspective on deaf peddling as a way for under-educated deaf people to make a living when jobs were hard to find, wages were low, and Social Security did not exist. But many in the Deaf community deplored this activity, and the National Association of the Deaf campaigned to discourage this behavior that reinforced deaf stereotypes. Buck abandoned peddling himself for this reason, but he points out that deaf peddling survives today, often in the highly exploitative form of rings of deaf workers completely controlled by oppressive deaf and hearing overseers. Deaf Peddler presents in engaging fashion a little-known cultural phenomenon that offers a revealing turn on the general issue of panhandling in our society today.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1563680963

Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man: Buck, Dennis S
In Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Dennis Buck unveils the ins and outs of exploiting his "disability" to earn easy money by practicing a unique form of panhandling. Dennis peddled for 11 years despite holding a degree in computer science and receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man Project MUSE
Dennis Buck knows this unique form of panhandling intimately because, despite holding a degree in computer science and receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), he was a deaf peddler for 11 years. In Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Buck unveils all of the ins and outs of exploiting his “disabilities” to earn easy money.
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man by Dennis S Buck
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man. Having panhandled as a "deaf" man for 11 years, the author has written a book exposing all the ins and outs of his life exploiting a "disability" to earn hundreds of dollars a day and sheds light on the cultural phenomenon of deaf peddling that thrives today. Illustrations.
Nonfiction Book Review: Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man Dennis S. Buck, Author, Robert M. Buchanan, Foreword by Gallaudet University Press $18.95 (136p) ISBN 978 1 56368 096 0 Buy this book
Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man Dennis S
In Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Dennis Buck unveils the ins and outs of exploiting his "disability" to earn easy money by practicing a unique form of panhandling. Dennis peddled for...
Deaf peddler : confessions of an inside man (Book, 2000
Deaf peddler : confessions of an inside man. [Dennis S Buck] "In airports and train stations it is not unusual for waiting passenger to be approached by a person who will hand out a brochure or trinket, then indicate that he or she is deaf and ask for payment, ...
Deaf Peddler: Confessions Of An Inside Man hpb com
In Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man, Dennis Buck unveils the ins and outs of exploiting his "disability" to earn easy money by practicing a unique form of panhandling. Dennis peddled for 11 years despite holding a degree in computer science and receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). He details the day to day life of a deaf ...
FlashBACK Friday: “Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man”
Shift from blindess to deafness, and you have the premise behind Dennis Buck’s book “Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man.” Take his deafness out of the picture, and you would agree that Buck is an unlikely person to peddle for 11 years. For one, he has a degree in computer science (one of the fastest growing, most lucrative career fields).
Book title: Deaf Peddler: Confessions of an Inside Man
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