PDF Reading Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope English B000GCFVY2 PDF
Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope
A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK • The moving, inspiring memoir of one of the great women of our times, Shirin Ebadi, winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize and advocate for the oppressed, whose spirit has remained strong in the face of political persecution and despite the challenges she has faced raising a family while pursuing her work. Best known in this country as the lawyer working tirelessly on behalf of Canadian photojournalist, Zara Kazemi—raped, tortured and murdered in Iran—Dr. Ebadi offers us a vivid picture of the struggles of one woman against the system. The book movingly chronicles her childhood in a loving, untraditional family, her upbringing before the Revolution in 1979 that toppled the Shah, her marriage and her religious faith, as well as her life as a mother and lawyer battling an oppressive regime in the courts while bringing up her girls at home. Outspoken, controversial, Shirin Ebadi is one of the most fascinating women today. She rose quickly to become the first female judge in the country; but when the religious authorities declared women unfit to serve as judges she was demoted to clerk in the courtroom she had once presided over. She eventually fought her way back as a human rights lawyer, defending women and children in politically charged cases that most lawyers were afraid to represent. She has been arrested and been the target of assassination, but through it all has spoken out with quiet bravery on behalf of the victims of injustice and discrimination and become a powerful voice for change, almost universally embraced as a hero. Her memoir is a gripping story—a must-read for anyone interested in Zara Kazemi’s case, in the life of a remarkable woman, or in understanding the political and religious upheaval in our world.Praise for Shirin Ebadi and Iran Awakening “This is the riveting story of an amazing and very brave woman living through some quite turbulent times. And she emerges with head unbowed.”—Archbishop Desmond Tutu “The safety and freedom of citizens in democracies is irretrievably bound with the safety and freedom of people like Shirin Ebadi who are fighting to reassert the best achievements of mankind: universal human rights. One of the staunchest advocates for human rights in her country and beyond, Ms. Ebadi, herself a devout Muslim, represents hope for many in Muslim societies that Islam and democracy are indeed compatible.”—Azar Nafisi “A moving portrait of a life lived in truth.”—The New York Times Book Review “A riveting account of a brave, lonely struggle . . . [Iran Awakening] reads like a police thriller, its drama heightened by Ebadi’s determination to keep up the quotidian aspects of her family life.”—The Washington Post Book World “A must read . . . may be the most important book you could read this year.”—Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : B000GCFVY2

Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope by Shirin
'Iran Awakening' is the memoir of a woman who fights injustices in Iran. I found the book more to be an annotated modern history of Iran, while fascinating, I wanted to know more about her personally.
Iran Awakening
'Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope' is a memoir written by Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi. In her book, Ebadi recounts her public career and reveals her private self: her faith, her experiences, and her desire to lead a traditional life, even while serving as a rebellious voice in a land where such voices are muted and even silenced by brute force.
Iran Awakening: A memoir of revolution and hope: co
Buy Iran Awakening: A memoir of revolution and hope by Ebadi, Shirin (ISBN: 9781846040146) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Iran Awakening: A memoir of revolution and hope: .co.uk: Ebadi, Shirin: 9781846040146: Books
Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope
The moving, inspiring memoir of one of the great women of our times, Shirin Ebadi, winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize and advocate for the oppressed, whose spirit has remained strong in the face of political persecution and despite the challenges she has faced raising a family while pursuing her work. Best known in this country as the lawyer working tirelessly on behalf of Canadian ...
Iran Awakening Shirin Ebadi
Iran Awakening (written "with Azadeh Moaveni", whatever that means) is a fairly simple and short memoir, recounting her life, lingering over a number of the more significant cases she was involved in as well as other significant events, and with occasional commentary on what she sees as the situation in Iran and the injustices of the Islamic Republic system.
Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi, Azadeh Moaveni
About Iran Awakening. A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK • The moving, inspiring memoir of one of the great women of our times, Shirin Ebadi, winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize and advocate for the oppressed, whose spirit has remained strong in the face of political persecution and despite the challenges she has faced raising a family while pursuing her work.
Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi Penguin Books Australia
In this remarkable book, Shirin Ebadi, Iranian human rights lawyer and activist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, tells her extraordinary story.Dr Ebadi is a tireless voice for reform in her native Iran, where she argues for a new interpretation of Islamic law in harmony with vital human rights such as democracy, equality before the law, religious freedom and freedom of speech.
Iran Awakening: A memoir of revolution and hope: Ebadi
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Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope: SHIRIN
She is a strategist, diplomat, advocate, loving mother and partner. Her persepctive on the wider stages of change in Iran, the awakening of democracy, gives valuable insights. This book is written in a style of dense brewity. Pages are packed with facts and information, not a word is wasted. A highly readable novel.
PDF Shirin Ebadi Á Iran Awakening A Memoir of Revolution
Iran Awakening A Memoir of Revolution and Hope PDF ? A Memoir eBook ? A Memoir of Revolution Epub Iran Awakening PDF or Awakening A Memoir MOBI ó The moving inspiring memoir of one of the great women of our times Shirin Ebadi winner of the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize and advocate for the oppressed whose spirit has remained strong in the face of political persecution and despit.
Book title: Iran Awakening: A Memoir of Revolution and Hope
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