PDF Reading Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders English 1943267707 PDF
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders
In August of 2019 I released a book about a criminal case I assisted the FBI and U. S. Army CID agents with that occurred on Jan. 13, 1977. On that date an on-duty Military Police Officer kidnapped four teenagers on a double date who were driving across the Ft. Leonard Wood military reservation. The MP arrested the two boys for an armed robbery which he said had just occurred off post and put them in the back seat of his patrol vehicle. He put one girl in the back seat between them and one girl up front with him. Then just before he drove off with them, he took out his issue .45 pistol and shot both boys in the back seat. He then drove to a deserted cabin on post and sexually assaulted the girls for almost four hours. Next, he took the kids to another location away from the cabin where he shot both of the girls. He then dragged all four of his victims into the woods and covered them with snow. Unfortunately for him one of the girl's wounds were not serious and she was able to walk about six miles over hill and valley in eight inches of snow to reach a home off base looking for help. At the time I was a fairly new Trooper and I was sent south on Mo. 17 to check on some reported "runaways". As usual the first report on this incident to law enforcement was completely wrong and I did not find any "runaways". But I did walk into a nightmare criminal case. "Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders" is a first hand and extremely factual look at the criminal investigation which ultimately led to the conviction of the MP Officer Johnny Lee Thornton. The book contains recent interviews with victims' families and other people who played a role in the case. FBI and CID agents who played a major role in this case were extremely cooperative in telling me about the case in detail. In addition to these recent interviews I was able to review the entire government trial case file at the Federal Courthouse in Springfield, Missouri. I also obtained the entire U. S. Army Criminal Investigation Division case file. As Sgt. Joe Friday used to say, "Just the facts...."Thornton's defense at trial was that he was suffering from a mental disease in which his other personality "Bad John" told "Good Johnny" to kill and he could not help himself. You will read extensive coverage of the trial and learn how the federal prosecutors were able to rebut his insanity defense. In April of 2020 at their annual awards night The Author Zone, better known as the TAZ awards, gave a first place win in the non fiction true crime genre to "Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders". As part of the yearly book contest for 2020, the Military Writers Society of America also judged "Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders" and issued the following review; "A book that captures one of the most terrible crimes ever at Fort Leonard Wood. A true story that is horrid in its very nature. The author uses plenty of court legal documents and records to show the evidence and share the details of the trial. The authors leave little doubt as to what happened and as to the guilt of the killer. A historic piece of military police working to solve a crime. The fact that the author J.B. King was there and was a part of this investigation gives the book a hard-hitting edge to this true story. A well done book and a great read. Gripping and spellbinding account of murder and rape--and justice! Review by Bill McDonald (April 2020)" The very highest award that the Missouri Writers Guild presents each year is the Walter Williams Special Award which is named for the founder of the MWG. I was deeply honored to be named as the first place winner for: "Frozen Tears: the Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders."
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1943267707

Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders by J B King
The story centers around a Military Policeman (MP) at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri who killed three teenagers in January 1977. The only reason he was apprehended, tried and convicted was because a fourth victim survived. Most of the teenagers were students at, or graduates of, Plato School District in Plato, Missouri.
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders: King, J B
"Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders" is a first hand and extremely factual look at the criminal investigation which ultimately led to the conviction of the MP Officer Johnny Lee Thornton. The book contains recent interviews with victims' families and other people who played a role in the case.
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders J B
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders. J. B. King, Sandra Miller Linhart. Red Engine Press, 2019 True Crime 320 pages. 0 Reviews. In 1977, four teenagers were kidnapped and attacked near and on Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Only one survived. This book is written by the first responder to the call, Missouri State Highway Patrol ...
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders Coroner Talk™
Frozen Tears The Ft Wood Military Police Murders. 30. 00:00:00. 01:02:13. 30. In 1977, four teenagers were kidnapped and attacked near and on Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Only one survived. This book is written by the first responder to the call, Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper J.B. King.
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders by J B
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders by J. B. King and Sandra Miller Linhart. John Cathcart. February 1, 2020. 20_1 30, 2020, Group 1 30. Click on cover image to purchase a copy. MWSA Review A book that captures one of the most terrible crimes ever at Fort Leonard Wood. A true story that is horrid in its very nature.
FROZEN TEARS J B King | True Murder: The Most Shocking
In 1977, four teenagers were kidnapped and attacked near and on Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Only one survived. This book is written by the first responder to the call, Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper J.B. King. He goes back in time to tell it how it was from the moment of the crime until the conviction of Military Police Game Warden Johnny Lee Thornton. His purpose is to tell the story ...
FROZEN TEARS J B King 09 12 by True Murder | Entertainment
Fort Leonard Wood. Juanita Deckard. In 1977, four teenagers were kidnapped and attacked near and on Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Only one survived. This book is written by the first responder to the call, Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper J.B. King.
com: Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders
Drum Roll Please! After 75 days of wait time the Military Writers Society of America, MWSA, has posted their review of "Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders." And the review is great!MWSA Review A book that captures one of the most terrible crimes ever at Fort Leonard Wood. A true story that is horrid in its very nature.
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders
Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders has 1,587 members. A new True Crime book detailing the 1977 murders in Pulaski County, MO. We will share information and share when and where the book can be purchased.
New book by retired sheriff details 1977 murders | The
Title of the book is “Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders,” and it tells the story of Johnny Lee Thornton, a military policeman who kidnapped four teenagers and committed rape and murder.
Book title: Frozen Tears: The Fort Leonard Wood MP Murders
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