PDF Reading Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series) English B00QMIE79O PDF

Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)

The growing urgency, complexity and "wickedness" of sustainability problems—from climate change and biodiversity loss to ecosystem degradation and persistent poverty and inequality—present fundamental challenges to scientific knowledge production and its use. While there is little doubt that science has a crucial role to play in our ability to pursue sustainability goals, critical questions remain as to how to most effectively organize research and connect it to actions that advance social and natural wellbeing. Drawing on interviews with leading sustainability scientists, this book examines how researchers in the emerging, interdisciplinary field of sustainability science are attempting to define sustainability, establish research agendas, and link the knowledge they produce to societal action. Pairing these insights with case studies of innovative sustainability research centres, the book reformulates the sustainability science research agenda and its relationship to decision-making and social action. It repositions the field as a "science of design" that aims to enrich public reasoning and deliberation while also working to generate social and technological innovations for a more sustainable future. This timely book gives students, researchers and practitioners a valuable and unique analysis of the emergence of sustainability science, and both the opportunities and barriers faced by scientific efforts to contribute to social action.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : B00QMIE79O


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Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)

Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and
"Thad Miller, in this new conceptualization of how to restructure for sustainability science, outlines the logic and mechanisms by which an action oriented, outcome driven science might emerge. His book serves as a guide for what all sophisticated future oriented knowledge enterprises should have as a part of their teaching, learning and discovery agendas in order to pursue a more sustainable future."
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future Ebook written by Thaddeus R. Miller. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future.
Reconstructing Sustainability Science | Knowledge and
Drawing on interviews with leading sustainability scientists, this book examines how researchers in the emerging, interdisciplinary field of sustainability science are attempting to define sustainability, establish research agendas, and link the knowledge they produce to societal action.
Reconstructing sustainability science: Knowledge and
TY BOOK. T1 Reconstructing sustainability science. T2 Knowledge and action for a sustainable future. AU Miller, Thaddeus. PY 2014 12 5
Reconstructing Sustainability Science Knowledge And Action
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge And Action For A Sustainable Future (The Earthscan
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and
I was hesitant to buy Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)this release based on some of the reviews but finally decided to pull the trigger. This book seemed like the only official publication that was going to give me that so I finally bought it.
Reconstructing sustainability science : knowledge and
Constructing sustainability science Planet under pressure A science for sustainability Constructing sustainability science Tensions in sustainability science Reconstructing sustainability science Reclaiming sustainability : limits to knowledge Sustainability as a science of design Conclusion : sustainability and our socio ...
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and
Sustainability Science is an interdisciplinary, problem driven field that seeks to address fundamental questions on human environment interactions. Reconstructing Sustainability Sciencerepositions sustainability science as a "science of design" that is, a normative science of what ought to be in order to achieve certain goals rather than a ...
com: Reconstructing Sustainability Science
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series) Kindle edition by Miller, Thaddeus R.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable ...
Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and
Sustainability Science is an interdisciplinary, problem driven field that seeks to address fundamental questions on human environment interactions. Reconstructing Sustainability Sciencerepositions sustainability science as a "science of design" that is, a normative science of what ought to be in order to achieve certain goals rather than a ...

Book title: Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)
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Reconstructing Sustainability Science: Knowledge and action for a sustainable future (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)

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