PDF Reading Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics) English 1903070732 PDF
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics)
When your Dad can crash his airplane into two water buffalo, life is unlikely to go according to plan. Even so, Emily Joy puts on her rose-tinted glasses, leaves behind her comfortable life as a doctor in Britain, and heads off for two years to a remote hospital in Sierra Leone. There she finds the oranges are green, the bananas are black, and her patients are very ill. There's no water, no electricity, no oxygen, no amputation saw—and Dr. Em is no surgeon. And there's no chocolate to treat her nasty case of unrequited love. Dr. Em's problems are tiny compared to those faced by the people of Sierra Leone on a daily basis. If they can remain so optimistic, what's Em's excuse? Our green doctor is a bit of a yellow-belly, often red-faced, trying to fight the blues. But green oranges give sweet orange juice. Never judge a fruit by its color.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1903070732

Green Oranges on Lion Mountain by Emily Joy
Even so, Emily Joy puts on her rose tinted specs, leaves behind her comfortable life as a doctor in York and heads off for two years to a remote hospital in Sierra Leone. There she finds the oranges are green, the bananas are black and her patients are, well, really ill. When your Dad can crash his airplane into two water buffalo, life is unlikely ...
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics): Joy, Emily
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics) Paperback – December 1, 2010 by Emily Joy (Author) 4.4 out of 5 stars 9 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $9.99 — — Paperback "Please retry" $17.44 . $17.43: $9.45:
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics): co
Buy Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics) 2 by Emily Joy (ISBN: 9781903070734) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (eBook, 2010) [WorldCat org]
Get this from a library! Green Oranges on Lion Mountain.. [Emily Joy] Sister Ignatius was unimpressed. ''I hope you are a quick learner. I have a hospital to run.'' ''I, er, I promise to do my best.'' I stammered, feeling out of my depth. After all, this wasn''t a ...
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain by Emily Joy
Buy Green Oranges on Lion Mountain by Emily Joy | 9781903070734 | 2010 from Kogan . “Sister Ignatius was unimpressed. ‘I hope you are a quick learner. I have a hospital to run.’ ‘I, er, I promise to do my best.’ I stammered, feeling out of my depth. After all, this wasn’t a Brownie Badge; I had volunteered to pay my debt back to society by saving lives, as well as hoping to find ...
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (eBook, 2010) [WorldCat org]
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain.. [Emily Joy] When your Dad can crash his airplane into two water buffalo, life is unlikely to go according to plan. Even so, Emily Joy puts on her rose tinted glasses, leaves behind her comfortable life as a ...
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain eBook by Emily Joy
Read "Green Oranges on Lion Mountain" by Emily Joy available from Rakuten Kobo. When your Dad can crash his airplane into two water buffalo, life is unlikely to go according to plan. Even so, Emily Jo...
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain | Ripe tomato org
Green Oranges on Lion Mountain. May 15, 2012. tags: Africa, mission hospitals, reviews, Sierra Leone. By Emily Joy. Em, a lightly fictionalised youngish doctor from York (pen name of Dr Gail Haddock, a Scottish GP) wants to save the world, save lives and save her soul. And find herself a man. She goes to work for VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas ...
Emily Joy (Author of Green Oranges on Lion Mountain)
Emily Joy is the author of Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (3.86 avg rating, 58 ratings, 9 reviews, published 2004), Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (4.44 ...
Orange County mountain lion attack a reminder to keep
Green news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Orange County mountain lion attack a reminder to keep livestock safe. Author: Jeannette E. Warnert; Published on: April 4, 2017 A mountain lion entered an Orange County corral last week where nine pygmy goats belonging to members of the Trabuco Trailblazers 4 H Club were ...
Book title: Green Oranges on Lion Mountain (Eye Classics)
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