PDF Reading Laughing@Advertising English 999230727 PDF
In Laughing@Advertising Bob Hoffman has collected his most irresponsible and inappropriate blog posts, essays, and cave drawings. You might say it's 200 pages of insults, wise cracks, cheap shots, and dirty words. In other words, fun for the whole family! Hoffman is out to disrupt the disruptors -- those somber, imperious souls who have made marketing and advertising such an earnest and humorless endeavor. This may be the silliest, most injudicious book about the ad industry you've read. And in some unwholesome way, the truest and funniest.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Laughing@Advertising
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 999230727

Laughing@Advertising: Hoffman, Bob: 9780999230725:
In Laughing@Advertising Bob Hoffman has collected his most irresponsible and inappropriate blog posts, essays, and cave drawings. You might say it's 200 pages of insults, wise cracks, cheap shots, and dirty words. In other words, fun for the whole family! Hoffman is out to disrupt the disruptors those somber, imperious souls who have made ...
Laughing@Advertising: co uk: Hoffman, Bob: Books
In Laughing@Advertising Bob Hoffman has collected his most irresponsible and inappropriate blog posts, essays, and cave drawings. You might say it's 200 pages of insults, wise cracks, cheap shots, and dirty words. In other words, fun for the whole family!
Laughing@Advertising Hoffman, Bob de: Bücher
Laughing@Advertising | Hoffman, Bob | ISBN: 9780999230725 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
com: Customer reviews: Laughing@Advertising
As you would expect from my fellow curmudgeon, Bob Hoffman's new book, "Laughing @ Advertising," is a scathing indictment of the current state of the ad biz... But one done with a wonderful combination of sarcasm, obscenities and humor.
Laughing@Advertising (English Edition) eBook: Hoffman, Bob
Laughing@Advertising (English Edition) eBook: Hoffman, Bob: .de: Kindle Shop Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung ...
Marketing: So verstehen Sie das Buzzword Bingo der
Jede Branche hat ihren ganz eigenen Sprech. So auch die Werber. Inzwischen haben sie es jedoch so übertrieben, dass sie selbst nichts mehr verstehen.
Ett helt år i skamvrån Här är alla de 29 händelserna Mark
Läs också: Siffrorna som visar exakt hur beroende vi marknadsförare är av Facebook Bob Hoffman är en känd författare som bl a skrivit Badmen och Laughing @advertising och en populär föreläsare i marknadsföringssammanhang. På sin välskrivna blogg AdContrarian har Bob summerat 2019 som året då Facebook nästan konstant var förpassad till skamvrån.
Book title: Laughing@Advertising
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