PDF Reading The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age English 691176000 PDF
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age
How two pioneers of math and technology ushered in the computer revolutionBoolean algebra, also called Boolean logic, is at the heart of the electronic circuitry in everything we use―from our computers and cars, to home appliances. How did a system of mathematics established in the Victorian era become the basis for such incredible technological achievements a century later? In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras―mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon―advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital machines, in order to explore computing and its possible limitations in the twenty-first century and beyond.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 691176000

The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude
In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras—mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon—advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital ...
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude
In The Logician and the Engineer, best selling popular math writer Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras mathematician and philosopher George Boole (1815 1864) and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon (1916 2001) advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age.
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude
That being said, "The Logician and the Engineer" is a well written tour of elementary Boolean Algebra and Shannon Information, and how the two of those subjects inform the building of Although one may try, and it would be a good practice in listening comprehension skills, to really grasp the book, you need the diagrams and printed formulae, which are provided in a 170 page pdf attachment (not all full pages).
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude
In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras?mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon?advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age. Nahin takes readers from fundamental concepts to a deeper and more sophisticated understanding of modern digital ...
The Logician and the Engineer Walter de Gruyter
The Logician and the Engineer is truly a gem.Meshing logic problems with the stories of two extraordinary men . . . Paul Nahin fashions a tale of innovation and discovery. Alongside a gripping account of how Shannon built on Boole's work, Nahin explores others key to the technological revolution, from Georg Cantor to Alan Turing.[T]his is a ...
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude
In The Logician and the Engineer, Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras mathematician and philosopher George Boole and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age.
Project MUSE The Logician and the Engineer
In The Logician and the Engineer, best selling popular math writer Paul Nahin combines engaging problems and a colorful historical narrative to tell the remarkable story of how two men in different eras mathematician and philosopher George Boole (1815 1864) and electrical engineer and pioneering information theorist Claude Shannon (1916 2001) advanced Boolean logic and became founding fathers of the electronic communications age.
The Logician and the Engineer
The Logician and the Engineer. Paul J. Nahin Princeton University Press, 2013, US$16.55, 248 pages ISBN 13: 978 0691151007. Claude Shannon was my boss when I had a summer job at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, in 1953. Bell Labs in those years had a managementthatencouragedresearcherstofollow their own interests.
The logician and the engineer : how George Boole and
The logician and the engineer : how George Boole and Claude Shannon created the information age Subject: Princeton [u.a.], Princeton Univ. Press, 2013 Keywords: Signatur des Originals (Print): T 12 B 8704. Digitalisiert von der TIB, Hannover, 2013. Created Date: 11 7 2013 2:04:34 PM
Book title: The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age
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