PDF Reading Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series) English 1578062977 PDF
Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)
From his first feature film, Fear and Desire (1953), to his final, posthumously released Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Stanley Kubrick excelled at probing the dark corners of human consciousness. In doing so, he adapted such popular novels as The Killing, Lolita, A Clockwork Orange, and The Shining and selected a wide variety of genres for his films―black comedy (Dr. Strangelove), science fiction (2001: A Space Odyssey), and war (Paths of Glory and Full Metal Jacket). Because he was peerless in unveiling the intimate mysteries of human nature, no new film by Kubrick ever failed to spark debate or to be deeply pondered. Kubrick (1928-1999) has remained as elusive as the subjects of his films. Unlike many other filmmakers he was not inclined to grant interviews, instead preferring to let his movies speak for themselves. By allowing both critics and moviegoers to see the inner workings of this reclusive filmmaker, this first comprehensive collection of his relatively few interviews is invaluable. Ranging from 1959 to 1987 and including Kubrick's conversations with Gene Siskel, Jeremy Bernstein, Gene D. Phillips, and others, this book reveals Kubrick's diverse interests―nuclear energy and its consequences, space exploration, science fiction, literature, religion, psychoanalysis, the effects of violence, and even chess―and discloses how each affects his films. He enthusiastically speaks of how advances in camera and sound technology made his films more effective. Kubrick details his hands-on approach to filmmaking as he discusses why he supervises nearly every aspect of production. “All the hand-held camerawork is mine,” he says in a 1972 interview about A Clockwork Orange. “In addition to the fun of doing the shooting myself, I find it virtually impossible to explain what I want in a hand-held shot to even the most talented and sensitive camera operator.” Neither guarded nor evasive, the Kubrick who emerges from these interviews is candid, opinionated, confident, and articulate. His incredible memory and his gift for organization come to light as he quotes verbatim sections of reviews, books, and articles. Despite his reputation as a recluse, the Kubrick of these interviews is approachable, witty, full of anecdotes, and eager to share a fascinating story.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1578062977

Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers
Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series) Paperback – Illustrated, January 8, 2001 by Gene D. Phillips (Editor) 4.4 out of 5 stars 48 ratings
Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations With Filmmakers
Often viewed as an eccentric and reclusive figure who consented to very few interviews, director Stanley Kubrick has long aroused fascination in fans and filmmakers alike. This book from the University Press of Mississippi's Conversations with Filmmakers series, selected and edited by Gene D. Phillips, gathers together sixteen of Kubrick's ...
Conversations with Filmmakers (Hardcover): Stanley Kubrick
Conversations with Filmmakers (Hardcover): Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Paperback) Average Rating: ( 4.5 ) stars out of 5 stars 2 ratings , based on 2 reviews Write a review
Stanley Kubrick: Interviews by Gene D Phillips
"Stanley Kubrick: Interviews" is an excellent collection of discussions with one of the 20th century's greatest artists. Considered by many (including myself) to be the greatest movie director of all time, Kubrick was a brilliant man with a wide breadth of knowledge on nearly any subject from filmmaking to history.
Archivio Kubrick: Words Stanley Kubrick's Interviews
Conversation With Stanley Kubrick Interview by Jay Varela Published in El Playano (Spring 1958) Reprinted (excerpted) in The Stanley Kubrick Archives, Taschen (2005) 'Lolita' Bought by Screen Team Article by Oscar Godbout Published in The New York Times (13 09 1958)
Rare 1 Hour Stanley Kubrick Interview
A rare interview with Stanley Kubrick. There is a half hour long documentary that uses these tapes, but this is the full recording.
The Rolling Stone Interview: Stanley Kubrick in 1987
Stanley Kubrick, I had been told, hates interviews. ‘The Social Network’ and 12 More Movies That Defined a Generation It’s hard to know what to expect of the man if you’ve only seen his films.
A candid conversation with the pioneering creator of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove and Lolita. Throughout his 17 year career as a moviemaker, Stanley Kubrick has committed himself to pushing the frontiers of film into new and often controversial regions—despite the box office problems and censorship battles that such a commitment invariably entails.
Stanley Kubrick Interviews Conversations With Filmmakers PDF
^ PDF Stanley Kubrick Interviews Conversations With Filmmakers ^ Uploaded By Erskine Caldwell, often viewed as an eccentric and reclusive figure who consented to very few interviews director stanley kubrick has long aroused fascination in fans and filmmakers alike this book from the university press of mississippis conversations
Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers
This book from the University Press of Mississippi's Conversations with Filmmakers series, selected and edited by Gene D. Phillips, gathers together sixteen of Kubrick's interviews spread across the years 1959 to 1987. Reading the great man speaking in his own words, I'm reminded of what an eloquent and candid conversationalist he in fact was.
Book title: Stanley Kubrick: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)
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