PDF Reading A Whole New Life (An Illness and a Healing) English 743238540 PDF
A Whole New Life (An Illness and a Healing)
Reynolds Price has long been one of America's most acclaimed and accomplished men of letters -- the author of novels, stories, poems, essays, plays, and a memoir. In A Whole New Life, however, he steps from behind that roster of achievements to present us with a more personal story, a narrative as intimate and compelling as any work of the imagination.In 1984, a large cancer was discovered in his spinal cord ("The tumor was pencil-thick and gray-colored, ten inches long from my neck-hair downward"). Here, for the first time, Price recounts without self-pity what became a long struggle to withstand and recover from this appalling, if all too common, affliction (one American in three will experience some from of cancer). He charts the first puzzling symptoms; the urgent surgery that fails to remove the growth and the radiation that temporarily arrests it (but hurries his loss of control of his lower body); the occasionally comic trials of rehab; the steady rise of severe pain and reliance on drugs; two further radical surgeries; the sustaining force of a certain religious vision; an eventual discovery of help from biofeedback and hypnosis; and the miraculous return of his powers as a writer in a new, active life. Beyond the particulars of pain and mortal illness, larger concerns surface here -- a determination to get on with the human interaction that is so much a part of this writer's much-loved work, the gratitude he feels toward kin and friends and some (though by no means all) doctors, the return to his prolific work, and the "now appalling, now astonishing grace of God." A Whole New Life offers more than the portrait of one brave person in tribulation; it offers honest insight, realistic encouragement and inspiration to others who suffer the bafflement of catastrophic illness or who know someone who does or will.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : A Whole New Life (An Illness and a Healing)
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 743238540

A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing by Reynolds Price
A Whole New Life by Reynolds Price is the amazing tale of his intense four year struggle with a spinal cancer that left him paraplegic and subjected him to excruciating pain that he eventually learned to banish to the periphery of his consciousness through a mixture of hypnosis and biofeedback, not through the disorienting medications prescribed for him by chemically oriented physicians.
A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing: Price
A Whole New Life offers more than the portrait of one brave person in tribulation; it offers honest insight, realistic encouragement and inspiration to others who suffer the bafflement of catastrophic illness or who know someone who does or will.
(PDF) A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing
A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing. January 1997; ... This chapter explains the nature of EHEs and discovers beneficial aspects and important life impacts of experiences that are often ...
A Whole New Life Summary | SuperSummary
A Whole New Life is a memoir by American novelist, essayist, playwright, and poet Reynolds Price. Written in the early 1990s and published in 1994, it meditates on the transformation Price underwent as a victim, then survivor, of spinal cancer.
[PDF] A Whole New Life Full Download BOOK
A Whole New Life A Whole New Life by Reynolds Price, A Whole New Life Books available in PDF, EPUB, Mobi Format. Download A Whole New Life books, The distinguished novelist offers an account of his battle with cancer of the spine, describing his struggle to come to terms with the disease, its treatment, and his determination to get on with his ...
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A Whole New Life—is a powerful journey that takes us from awareness to action. In our experience, the true key to change, is to be able to have access to different tools, that one can reach out to, whenever life comes calling. This book provides exactly that! A guide to help us year after year, to create our life of our dreams!
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Book title: A Whole New Life (An Illness and a Healing)
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