PDF Reading Guitar One Presents Open Ears: A Journey Through Life with Guitar in Hand English 1575603640 PDF
Guitar One Presents Open Ears: A Journey Through Life with Guitar in Hand
Most people know the part about them doing what they love to do best in front of a throng of adoring fans. The less obvious part of a musician's job description can include dealing with a broken-down band bus, lights falling from the stage, people who don't pay, and other occupational hazards. In this collection of 50 Guitar magazine columns from the mid-'90s on, guitarist Steve Morse (Steve Morse Band, Dixie Dregs, Deep Purple) sets the story straight about what being a working musician really means. He deals out philosophy and practical advice on: playing with the band, songwriting and developing a style, recording and equipment, and much more, through anecdotes of his many fascinating hard-knock lessons learned. “Self-teaching, adjusting to fit the situation, and good people skills are the keys to making it happen. Learning these skills, in addition to mastering technique, seems to be the way to go.” – Steve Morse
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Guitar One Presents Open Ears: A Journey Through Life with Guitar in Hand
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1575603640

Guitar One Presents Open Ears By Steve Morse Sheet Music
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Steve Morse open Ears Biography (Guitar presents): Morse
Steve Morse open Ears Biography (Guitar presents) [Morse, Steve] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Steve Morse open Ears Biography (Guitar presents) ... "Open Ears" is a practical guide to a musician's life, written by one of the most celebrated guitarists of our time.
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Book title: Guitar One Presents Open Ears: A Journey Through Life with Guitar in Hand
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