PDF Reading Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge English 1544617402 PDF
Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge
Only 21 at the start of the America's Revolutionary War, Benjamin Tallmadge was an enthusiastic patriot. Appointed by George Washington to organize intelligence in British-occupied New York, Tallmadge formed the famous Culper Spy Ring, whom he mentions in this volume without giving names. Scenes of battle, the discovery of Benedict Arnold's betrayal, the execution of his classmate, Nathan Hale, were all part of Tallmadge's experiences in the war. Written primarily for his children, this memoir is nevertheless an important document by one of America's great heroes. His description of Washington's parting in New York from his officers after the victory is especially moving and shows a more human side of the great leader.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1544617402

Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge by Benjamin Tallmadge
The memoir covers Benjamin Tallmadge’s life from his birth in 1754 in Brookhaven, New York to his retirement, in Litchfield Connecticut. Included are his personal views on the Battles of Trenton, Fort St. George, Monmouth, Stony Point, and the Siege of Yorktown in which he directly Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge by Benjamin Tallmadge
com: Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge
This item: Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge by Benjamin Tallmadge Paperback $5.99. Available to ship in 1 2 days. Ships from and sold by . Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring by Alexander Rose Paperback $14.99. In Stock. Ships from and sold by .
Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge by Benjamin Tallmadge
To Benjamin Tallmadge, a young officer of the Continental Army, the general assigned an impossible mission: Infiltrate New York, establish a spy network, and report everything the British know. Throughout the war, Tallmadge and his spies collected intelligence on troop movements, sneak attacks, and the treachery of Benedict Arnold.
Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge : Tallmadge, Benjamin
Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge by Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1754 1835. Publication date 1858 Publisher New York, T. Holman, book and job printer Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor Sloan Foundation Contributor The Library of Congress Language English. Addeddate 2009 06 08 14:25:31 Call number 6810404
Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge Benjamin Tallmadge
Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge. Benjamin Tallmadge. T. Holman, book and job printer, 1858 United States 70 pages. 2 Reviews . Preview this book ...
Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge; ed by Henry Phelps
Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge; ed. by Henry Phelps Johnston. ... Partner institution members: Login to download this book. If you are not a member of a partner institution,
Memoir Of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge : Henry Phelps
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Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge: Tallmadge, Benjamin
This item: Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge by Benjamin Tallmadge Paperback $4.99 Ships from and sold by . Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring by Alexander Rose Paperback $14.82
Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge (1970 edition) | Open
Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge by Benjamin Tallmadge, 1970, T. Holman, book and job printer edition, Microform in English
Full text of "Memoir of Col Benjamin Tallmadge"
BENJAMIN TALLMADGE. 69 REMARKS The roiouoiiig memoir wa.s prcparetl by my venerable parent, and I will l»rielly add, that Col. Tallmadoe continued to reside in Litchfield, Connecticut, until his death, wliic h occurred on the 7th of March, 1835 ; havint; lost my mother on the 3rd of June, 1805, leaving five sons and two daughters.
Book title: Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge
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