PDF Reading Foucault in California: [A True Story―Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] English 1597144630 PDF

Foucault in California: [A True Story―Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]

In The Lives of Michel Foucault, David Macey quotes the iconic French philosopher as speaking “nostalgically…of 'an unforgettable evening on LSD, in carefully prepared doses, in the desert night, with delicious music, [and] nice people'”. This came to pass in 1975, when Foucault spent Memorial Day weekend in Southern California at the invitation of Simeon Wade-ostensibly to guest-lecture at the Claremont Graduate School where Wade was an assistant professor, but in truth to explore what he called the Valley of Death. Led by Wade and Wade's partner Michael Stoneman, Foucault experimented with psychotropic drugs for the first time; by morning he was crying and proclaiming that he knew Truth. Foucault in California is Wade's firsthand account of that long weekend. Felicitous and often humorous prose vaults readers headlong into the erudite and subversive circles of the Claremont intelligentsia: parties in Wade's bungalow, intensive dialogues between Foucault and his disciples at a Taoist utopia in the Angeles Forest (whose denizens call Foucault “Country Joe”); and, of course, the fabled synesthetic acid trip in Death Valley, set to the strains of Bach and Stockhausen. Part search for higher consciousness, part bacchanal, this book chronicles a young man's burgeoning friendship with one of the twentieth century's greatest thinkers.

Product details

  • Hardcover : 199 pages

  • Title : Foucault in California: [A True Story―Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]

  • Language : English

  • ISBN-10 : 1597144630


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Foucault in California: [A True Story―Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]

Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great
In The Lives of Michel Foucault, David Macey quotes the iconic French philosopher as speaking “nostalgically…of ‘an unforgettable evening on LSD, in carefully prepared doses, in the desert night, with delicious music, [and] nice people.’”This came to pass in 1975, when Foucault spent Memorial Day weekend in Southern California at the invitation of Simeon Wade—ostensibly to guest ...
Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great
Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] book. Read 22 reviews from the world's large...
Foucault in California: [A True Story?Wherein the Great
Foucault in California: [A True Story?Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] [Wade, Simeon, Dundas, Heather] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Foucault in California: [A True Story?Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]
Foucault in California (2018) | Foucault News
Simeon Wade, Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] Foreword by Heather Dundas, Heyday, 2018 In The Lives of Michel Foucault, David Macey quotes the iconic French philosopher as speaking “nostalgically…of ‘an unforgettable evening on LSD, in carefully prepared doses, in the desert night, with…
Foucault in California: [A True Story—Wherein the Great
In The Lives of Michel Foucault, David Macey quotes the iconic French philosopher as speaking “nostalgically…of 'an unforgettable evening on LSD, in carefully prepared doses, in the desert night, with delicious music, [and] nice people'”.This came to pass in 1975, when Foucault spent Memorial Day weekend in Southern California at the invitation of Simeon Wade ostensibly to guest lecture ...
Foucault in California: [A True Story—Wherein the Great
Based on analysing the text of Foucault in California: [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death], we estimate that readers of 15th and 16th grade will be able to read this book. This estimation is based on a number of readability tests devised by experts, ...
Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great
Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] Home > Books > Foucault in California [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] Order Now! About the Book.
com: Foucault in California: [A True Story—Wherein
Foucault in California: [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] Kindle edition by Wade, Simeon, Dundas, Heather. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Foucault in California: [A True Story—Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops ...
“Foucault in California: [A True Story?Wherein the Great
Wade, Simeon. “Foucault in California: [A True Story?Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]”, Heyday, 2019. A Well Remembered Weekend Amos Lassen When I was a graduate student many years ago, I was lucky enough to meet and speak with Michel Foucault and we discussed at length his concept of gay…
Foucault in California: David Wade in Conversation with
Foucault in California: [a True Story Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death] (Hardcover) By Simeon Wade, Heather Dundas (Foreword by) $22.00 . ISBN: 9781597144636 . Availability: Usually Ships in 1 5 Days . Published: Heyday Books March 5th, 2019

Book title: Foucault in California: [A True Story―Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]
File size: 30MB

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Foucault in California: [A True Story―Wherein the Great French Philosopher Drops Acid in the Valley of Death]

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